How far will your anger drive you?

You don't think the eight years of Clinton pussification had anything to do with our inefficiency? Or his policy of letting everyone in the world know that we back out of fights at the first signs of gunfire?

Shit...Ronnie Reagan taught them that lesson in Beirut long before Clinton ever inherited the mess that Reagan's Veep left him in Somalia.
It's ALMOST as crazy as thinking, as Dixie and a good portion of those who voted for Bush do, that Iraq and 9/11 are linked.
Liberal Tactic #1- Shift the blame, no matter how bad they fucked up.

the point is, that is exactly what you are trying to do by claiming that Clinton taught them anything about American resolve (or lack thereof) that they weren't already clearly aware of.

Just accept the fact that big tough cowboy Ronnie Raygun - the hero of all neoconservative tough guys, did, in fact, tuck his cowardly tail between his legs and run away whimpering from Beirut the minute we were attacked by Hezbollah.

And accept the fact that Clinton just got us OUT of a mess that Bush I got us INTO.
Justifying believing that Bush was behind 9/11 to that of believing that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's and that he could have been linked to 9/11 says alot ... and I mean alot!!

What is more believable for crying out loud!! Thats Saddam had stock piles of WMD's ..and may have harbored Al Queda, or that Bush somehow ..the genius that he is ... concieved this plan to have people hijack passenger aircraft and fly them into the World Trade Center ... or that he had prior knowledge that this was going to happen and he said ... "hmmm... you know what Dick...? We should go ahead and let them do this .. We then can use it to justify invasions into Middle Eastern Countries ...."
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Justifying believing that Bush was behind 9/11 to that of believing that Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's and that he could have been linked to 9/11 says alot ... and I mean alot!!

What is more believable for crying out loud!! Thats Saddam had stock piles of WMD's ..and may have harbored Al Queda, or that Bush somehow ..the genius that he is ... concieved this plan to have people hijack passenger aircraft and fly them into the World Trade Center ... or that he had prior knowledge that this was going to happen and he said ... "hmmm... you know what Dick...? We should go ahead and let them do this .. We then can use it to justify invasions into Middle Eastern Countries ...."
Neither are particularly believable to me, but about equally so.

Does that really shock you? Why? You think that someone capable of such acts couldn't rise to power in this nation? That's a dangerous way to think, frankly. It's happened in other places and therefore it can happen here.

People are people, American or not. People that evil really do exist and do indeed rise to positions of power in both business and politics. Hell, they're likely to: ruthlessness pays, sad to say.
Neither are particularly believable to me, but about equally so.

Does that really shock you? Why? You think that someone capable of such acts couldn't rise to power in this nation? That's a dangerous way to think, frankly. It's happened in other places and therefore it can happen here.

People are people, American or not. People that evil really do exist and do indeed rise to positions of power in both business and politics. Hell, they're likely to: ruthlessness pays, sad to say.

Right. People love conspiracy theories, for some reason.

The very same survey found that MORE people think the federal government was involved in assasinating John Kennedy:

"The level of suspicion of U.S. official involvement in a 9/11 conspiracy was only slightly behind the 40 percent who suspect "officials in the federal government were directly responsible for the assassination of President Kennedy" and the 38 percent who believe "the federal government is withholding proof of the existence of intelligent life from other planets."
Right. People love conspiracy theories, for some reason.

The very same survey found that MORE people think the federal government was involved in assasinating John Kennedy:

"The level of suspicion of U.S. official involvement in a 9/11 conspiracy was only slightly behind the 40 percent who suspect "officials in the federal government were directly responsible for the assassination of President Kennedy" and the 38 percent who believe "the federal government is withholding proof of the existence of intelligent life from other planets."
Yeah, there's that too. Conspiracy theories are (a) kind of fun, in a twisted sort of way and (b) self sustaining once they get going.

For the record, I, personally, don't believe that BushCo either planned or even permitted the attacks of 9/11/2001. I say that because there's insufficient evidence, in my view, to lead me to conclude that they did. Also, they're a damned ham-fisted lot, not given to subtlety. Also they're inept.

On the other hand, I find nothing overly shocking or unbelievable in the idea that they might have.