How High Will The Coronavirus Death Toll Go.

You can't follow? Wow. Okay. Let me try to simplify: Death rates of a virus can be mapped over time. Given enough time and deaths, rates can be calculated for people of all ages and demographics. However, once a virus mutates, all bets are off. From what I've read, COVID-19 is relatively stable, but there is no such thing as a guarantee. Just an educated guess.

Hope that helped.

No. It didn't help. As for the coronavirus, from what I have heard, 7 new strains of it have mutated into existence in the U.S. and probably Europe. I also saw about a paper that came out of China recently. Though it has yet to be peer reviewed. According to it, scientists there have identified 30 new strains of it that have mutated into being. It would seem that the coronavirus is far more prone to mutation than the flu virus.
There have been a few new treatments for the coronavirus that have come along. Which are far from cures. But they're better than nothing. Though I haven't heard of any of them bring down the overall death rate. At least not by much. The death toll is still what it is. As for journalism, to a large degree it is just entertainment. As well as brainwashing. But journalism isn't the main problem. The main problem is the plutocratic death cult scumbags who run this country. Another problem is that from what I have seen, most people prefer to be lied to. There are even many people who will actually pay money to be lied to. You want America to get better? Basically, my avatar shows the only way that could ever happen.

Here's Why COVID-19 Mortality Has Dropped
— There's no single answer, but a host of contributing factors

There is a paywall but I think you can get one look for free.

Why do COVID death rates seem to be falling?
Hard-won experience, changing demographics and reduced strain on hospitals are all possibilities — but no one knows how long the change will last.

Study Helps Explain Declines in Death Rates from COVID-19
Possible Factors Include a More Resilient Population Getting the Illness & Advances in Healthcare

Studies Point To Big Drop In COVID-19 Death Rates
No. It didn't help. As for the coronavirus, from what I have heard, 7 new strains of it have mutated into existence in the U.S. and probably Europe. I also saw about a paper that came out of China recently. Though it has yet to be peer reviewed. According to it, scientists there have identified 30 new strains of it that have mutated into being. It would seem that the coronavirus is far more prone to mutation than the flu virus.

Possibly. Medical researchers are finding out new things all the time. It's novel virus, so the learning curve is steep.

You bring that up again. But as I said, according to the news, every single day seems to bring an increase of the number of people who are dying from the coronavirus. And I don't think that they are lying. So whatever you are posting links to that say the death rate is going down is bullshit. Also, even if we had a really good therapeutic to keep anybody from getting very sick from the coronavirus, it would still be far better to have no coronavirus at all. Also, there are good therapeutics out there that will keep people from dying from HIV. But it would still be far better if there was no HIV at all.
You bring that up again. But as I said, according to the news, every single day seems to bring an increase of the number of people who are dying from the coronavirus. And I don't think that they are lying. So whatever you are posting links to that say the death rate is going down is bullshit. Also, even if we had a really good therapeutic to keep anybody from getting very sick from the coronavirus, it would still be far better to have no coronavirus at all. Also, there are good therapeutics out there that will keep people from dying from HIV. But it would still be far better if there was no HIV at all.

You know that your definition of death rate is not the same as I was using it, though you pretend that it is, which makes you a liar.
Trumptards are so stupid- they think Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are the NEWS!

There is a combination of things out there that is so powerful that it is scary. Brainwashing combined with stupidity. It is a Goliath. A Juggernaut. A virtual GOD! Only death or a severe threat of death can overcome it. As for people like Rush Limpdick, my brother was telling me of one of those kinds of people who was sued over what they said on their program. I wish I could be more specific. But that person told the court that their show was basically entertainment. That he himself didn't believe half of the things he said.
You know that your definition of death rate is not the same as I was using it, though you pretend that it is, which makes you a liar.

My definition of the death rate is what they say it is on the news. And what they say it is on respected websites. Using any other kind of "definition" makes you the liar.
My definition of the death rate is what they say it is on the news. And what they say it is on respected websites. Using any other kind of "definition" makes you the liar.

CDC and WHO are the most common reliable sources.
We have had a system in place that tracks deaths very well. It has never been questioned before. But in the Trump era, you attack everything that counters what trump wants. They tell us how many died. Trump says, nope, I will tell you. Rightys say, that makes sense. I believe Trump.