How I got revenge on a neighbor (and how you can, too!)

Into Тhe Night

Banned Spoof Account
For the past month, my neighbor has been blasting his music in his yard until around midnight. The cops refused to enforce the local noise ordinance, and after repeatedly requesting my neighbor to turn the music off, I chose to take matters into my own hands.

My revenge was simple: One electric water gun + 5 bottles of Liquid Ass

Two mornings ago, I shot five ounces of Liquid Ass into their yard. The last two nights have been pretty quiet!
At $10 to $13 per bottle, that's some expensive revenge.

Couldn't you find a couple of friends with dogs they have to walk and pick up after?

Just have them save the dogshit and give it to you.

Then start flinging it into their backyard.

Also, find a spot along the fence where there might be small gaps. The closer to the house the better. Use that as your new pissing spot. Every time you have to piss, piss right there. Get as much of it as possible to sleep through the gaps. After about two or three days, the smell of stale piss will be reminiscent of a NYC subway.

Or the men's room in the Port Authority Bus Terminal.
Next time take some eggs, put them in a mason jar, then piss into that jar. Close the lid and leave it in the sun for a week, then take a syringe and fill it with the liquid, inject it into their car through the rubber between the windows and the frame. They will never find out why their car is ruined.
For the past month, my neighbor has been blasting his music in his yard until around midnight. The cops refused to enforce the local noise ordinance, and after repeatedly requesting my neighbor to turn the music off, I chose to take matters into my own hands.

My revenge was simple: One electric water gun + 5 bottles of Liquid Ass

Two mornings ago, I shot five ounces of Liquid Ass into their yard. The last two nights have been pretty quiet!

You're lucky he didn't respond with lead.
Why, are you expecting the FBI to raid you for something and look up your search history?

What do you do in your off time I wonder.

That would be totally warranted... for quite a few of the liberal posters around here
That would be totally warranted... for quite a few of the liberal posters around here

I'm sure their search histories would quite disturbing to say the least.

Note to liberals, if you don't want the cops to find out what you are doing don't type it into Google.
I'm sure their search histories would quite disturbing to say the least.

Note to liberals, if you don't want the cops to find out what you are doing don't type it into Google.

Their posts here are quite disturbing... and enough to warrant investigation... locally and federally...
At $10 to $13 per bottle, that's some expensive revenge.

Couldn't you find a couple of friends with dogs they have to walk and pick up after?

Just have them save the dogshit and give it to you.

Then start flinging it into their backyard.

Also, find a spot along the fence where there might be small gaps. The closer to the house the better. Use that as your new pissing spot. Every time you have to piss, piss right there. Get as much of it as possible to sleep through the gaps. After about two or three days, the smell of stale piss will be reminiscent of a NYC subway.

Or the men's room in the Port Authority Bus Terminal.

Leave it to a leftist ShitLord monkey to talk about flinging poo. :laugh: