How I got revenge on a neighbor (and how you can, too!)

Their posts here are quite disturbing... and enough to warrant investigation... locally and federally...

Especially Dutch. He's probably under some kind of State Mental Health care already. I hope he doesn't have firearms.
Next time take some eggs, put them in a mason jar, then piss into that jar. Close the lid and leave it in the sun for a week, then take a syringe and fill it with the liquid, inject it into their car through the rubber between the windows and the frame. They will never find out why their car is ruined.

That's pretty gross and sick. WTF is wrong with you. :thinking:
Next time take some eggs, put them in a mason jar, then piss into that jar. Close the lid and leave it in the sun for a week, then take a syringe and fill it with the liquid, inject it into their car through the rubber between the windows and the frame. They will never find out why their car is ruined.

You are a total asshole. I wouldnt do something like that to ANYBODY. Whats wrong with you?!
For the past month, my neighbor has been blasting his music in his yard until around midnight. The cops refused to enforce the local noise ordinance, and after repeatedly requesting my neighbor to turn the music off, I chose to take matters into my own hands.

My revenge was simple: One electric water gun + 5 bottles of Liquid Ass

Two mornings ago, I shot five ounces of Liquid Ass into their yard. The last two nights have been pretty quiet!

Liquid ass?

What did you do, douche your asshole out?

What a Douche bag!
I like to fart into balloons and then quickly tie them up. They dont float very well but man do they pack a punch in the aging process! :) You wanna clear out a party fast and get people to go home those things are worth their weight in gold!