How I see conservatives (alpha) vs liberals (beta) in this forum

How I see conservatives (alpha) vs liberals (beta) in this forum
Real bad asses do not feel compelled to crow about in on obscure message boards to people they do not know and will never meet.

All normal dudes are aware that any message board dunce who attempts to imply they are supposedly a bad ass, are neither an alpha male or a beta male.

More like a delta male.
Most alpha males I know or have known, would say, "WTF is an alpha male"?

Some of the most modest, congenial, amiable, and emotionally balanced people I've ever known or known of.

And I'll say that about most of the Alpha Females I've met as well!
I never realized that alphas cried and whined like little babies. Seems odd.

If someone has to blast this alpha shit as Opie did, they are not an alpha or even know what it means to be one. Alpha's don't say it, they just act and people know. Alpha is the ability to take the reigns and lead, Trump and his band of misfits are the furthest thing from it as all they've ever done is divide and run amok. We would quickly be a feral outcast if we kept going Trump's way.

That's a popular meme. "Repent Sinner" is what makes it so fucking hilarious.

