How I see conservatives (alpha) vs liberals (beta) in this forum

This isn't news.
Social Conservatives are typically far more tough.

Europe is filled with tough bad @$$ Hooligan firms.

These Hooligans almost all right wing.

The more the Conservative the country the bigger & badder the Hooligans.

Like Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary, Russia, Slovakia etc.

Thing is They're not talking about cutting taxes.

The Collectivist Right is tougher than the Individualist Right.

If Individualists are so tough?

Why are the best fighters out of the most Individualist country in Europe, almost never real Brits?

Mostly Blacks with roots in Collectivist nations like Lennox Lewis,or Chisora, or Whites from more Collectivist nations than the UK like Tyson Fury Irish, or Bisping Polish & Irish, or Carl Foch Polish.