How it seems most men on this site REALLY feel about Darla


[ame=""]YouTube - Jizz In My Pants[/ame]
That is where you are just plain wrong, Desh.

I am not wearing any pants. Ha!

So who is left with egg on their face now, eh? (ahem...actually, that might not be egg after all :o )
Thats what they always say.

To trust or not to trust. That is the question.

Of course we all want Darla. I thought that was a given.

Desh, if you weren't get the idea.

And I have flirted with Froggy on more than one occasion. If she weren't married and half a hemisphere away.......well......again, you get the idea.

Some of us guys just appreciate lovely ladies too much to maintain our gentlemanly manner.

Charver, get checked. I just had a mental image of calling in a plumber and them "caulking" your way. Scary!

Oh I know you guys are all man whores.

I was just looking for the right way to introduce this funny ass video and chastize the guys for ganging up on Darla when we all know you all want her.
It is a funny video. But the thread seems redundant. Isn't it just another way to say, "The men on this board act like men."
I'm told that Darla is quite beautiful, but why would I fantasize about a woman I've never seen when there are women such as Angelina Jolie roaming the world?