How Liberals Manipulate Polls

You know, nothing makes me sicker THAN A good conservative AGREEING with the PINHEADS just to be popular with them. You go ahead and suck up to Oncie, while I continue TO SPEAK the truth that the pinheads can't and won't handle, as they come up with PINHEAD excuse AFTER pinhead excuse about why the polls are RIGHT. I can wait to LAUGH at suck up conservatives and PINHEADS until after Palin/McCain win in a 48 state landslide.

Careful there, you using the word "pinhead" may get Dix all worked up. Be a shame to have him up in NY stalking you.
I guess Dixie's got a point...

Liberals are clever devils and Conservatives are dim witted angels who are too stupid to lie to pollsters. I guess the cat's out of the bag now and maybe some cross eyed republican will have the idea to lie about their vote just to screw with the polls.

You're so smart, dixie.
No, you got it all wrong. Liberals are all liars out of habit because they are evil, conservatives can't lie because they are so full of morality. Yup.
Stealing from the poor and giving to the rich can be a moral. But is not often found outside of the republican party.
Dixie? I was really hoping you could provide some backup on the 8-12% poll leads that Gore & Kerry had.

Have you had a chance to look yet?
As a partisan, I am libel to toast good numbers for McCain and ignore good numbers for Obama (granted, I have refrained from ever posting any threads, at least), but it is retarded to claim polls are bad/rigged just because you support the other side. Stop clowning around DI X IE.
I answered your question on the other thread.

How about answering my question on this thread?

LMAO... So you think the polls showing these seemingly insurmountable leads by Kerry and Gore are still posted somewhere on the Internet? No, my friend, those have all been purged from the servers by now, I am sure. I do recall seeing them, and the same 'tactics' were being employed then as now. As this election draws closer, the numbers will get closer, and by election time, all these polls showing Obama up by 9, will be within the margin of error. This gives them the right to claim credibility, you see?

Here's the thing, we have about 40% Conservatives, 40% Liberals, and 20% who just don't really give a damn. The polls can 'say' whatever the poll taker wants them to say at any given time, it doesn't mean there are actually that number of Americans switching back and forth between supporting McCain and supporting Obama. Most normal people already know who they support, and there is no room for changing their mind at this point. To believe that suddenly, all these people are just going to abandon whatever principles they feel are important, and switch sides, is laughable at best. That isn't going to happen in the real world, people don't just change ideology on a dime like that! Now, you can pretend that is the case, you can think that somehow Obama is suddenly attracting Conservatives and "winning" if you like. In fact, I hope you do become over-confident! Just get so fucking cocky about it and sure of the polls that you don't bother even voting! That will suit me just fine! :)
"LMAO... So you think the polls showing these seemingly insurmountable leads by Kerry and Gore are still posted somewhere on the Internet? No, my friend, those have all been purged from the servers by now, I am sure. "

I posted one already, dumbo. The final poll for Bush/Kerry - average - had Bush with a 1.5% lead.

And, btw, he was leading by as many as 8 throughout October.

In short, you just lied. Plain & simple.
Btw, dumbo? It was the same with Gore. Gore was actually trailing pretty badly throughout October, and only pulled within a point or so after the DUI story.