How living in China changed my view on Trump and US politics: Californian native

Being all up in every aspect of their people's lives is not being responsible, it's being oppressive and overbearing.

I've talked to people in China before. They tell me how it is over there.

How do they say it is over there??

DO they still live there??

If so, why?
As China rapidly becomes more competent at finding and crushing heretics the people of the West increasingly dont know what the Chinese think. Those loyal to the Empire would not dream of telling us the truth, that would get in the way of the Empires Prime domination.
What they feel or think can remain a mystery :dunno: there are repercussions..

I have heard many ppl lay down many complaints of various types but I have also seen/heard Chinese professors & politicians point out that each (normal year) their is well over 100 million Chinese tourist out of country & around the world & SHOCKINGLY, OR NOT THEY ALL RETURN HOME........ :|