how long before the right makes us Default on our debts

the six largest economy In the world is California failboy with a putin dick in your mouth

The dim wit Democrats have levered it up worse then the Greeks have done to their country.

In fact: the dim wit Democrats have levered up many major cites that they have also run into the dirt with union benefits granted by dim wit Democrats pols bought n' paid for by said unions.

If the Dumpster cuts off Federal funds due to lawlessness, (say for sanctuary cities or some such), they will collapse in short order.
10 Trillion in new debt. More people on welfare....more people poor.....the lowest LABOR FORCE in over 40 years.

Yep...a great economy to start with. Question? If the economy was so did the she bitch lose Wis. Ohio, Pa. and Michigan? :)
the six largest economy In the world is California failboy with a putin dick in your mouth

California has 1/3 of the nations welfare recipients. If they alone and not the Fed Govt had to pay those themselves, the would not even be a blip on the economic chart.

here is the history

lets discuss the actual history

by William C. Kimberling, Deputy Director FEC National Clearinghouse on Election Administration

In order to appreciate the reasons for the Electoral College, it is essential to understand its historical context and the problem that the Founding Fathers were trying to solve. They faced the difficult question of how to elect a president in a nation that:
was composed of thirteen large and small States jealous of their own rights and powers and suspicious of any central national government
contained only 4,000,000 people spread up and down a thousand miles of Atlantic seaboard barely connected by transportation or communication (so that national campaigns were impractical even if they had been thought desirable)
believed, under the influence of such British political thinkers as Henry St. John Bolingbroke, that political parties were mischievous if not downright evil, and
felt that gentlemen should not campaign for public office (The saying was "The office should seek the man, the man should not seek the office.").
How, then, to choose a president without political parties, without national campaigns, and without upsetting the carefully designed balance between the presidency and the Congress on one hand and between the States and the federal government on the other?
the founders did not plan a country where the Minority if Americans got to pick the president

According to the Constitution, a minority didn't pick the President. Trump received 270 or more of the type votes the Constitution says you need to have to get elected President. That same Constitution says nothing about popular votes when it comes to electing a President.

here is the history

lets discuss the actual history

by William C. Kimberling, Deputy Director FEC National Clearinghouse on Election Administration

In order to appreciate the reasons for the Electoral College, it is essential to understand its historical context and the problem that the Founding Fathers were trying to solve. They faced the difficult question of how to elect a president in a nation that:
was composed of thirteen large and small States jealous of their own rights and powers and suspicious of any central national government
contained only 4,000,000 people spread up and down a thousand miles of Atlantic seaboard barely connected by transportation or communication (so that national campaigns were impractical even if they had been thought desirable)
believed, under the influence of such British political thinkers as Henry St. John Bolingbroke, that political parties were mischievous if not downright evil, and
felt that gentlemen should not campaign for public office (The saying was "The office should seek the man, the man should not seek the office.").
How, then, to choose a president without political parties, without national campaigns, and without upsetting the carefully designed balance between the presidency and the Congress on one hand and between the States and the federal government on the other?

Here's all you need to understand. The founders created a system where a majority of electoral votes is what determines the winner. Outside of that, nothing else matters.