How long will George last in prison?

Watch the Gangland episode on F-13. It's about the Hispanic gang in south central LA that targets blacks. George will have protection for life.
Watch the Gangland episode on F-13. It's about the Hispanic gang in south central LA that targets blacks. George will have protection for life.

He's a half breed. They hate them. I'm with steelplate. I'm not convinced he'll be convicted. I'm more interested in the process.
It is amazing to see the blood lust and racism come out of the left who scream up and down that they are neither. Maybe all of these times they are screaming at conservatives, they are merely "projecting"
Don't Drop the soap Zimmerman!



i think any sentence is a death sentence. no way he doesn't get shanked. If I were zimmerman and I got convicted, I would go into protective custody, hold out until my appeal probably goes through, and if that fails, I would kill myself.
i think any sentence is a death sentence. no way he doesn't get shanked. If I were zimmerman and I got convicted, I would go into protective custody, hold out until my appeal probably goes through, and if that fails, I would kill myself.

I love the way that some otherwise bleeding hearts can't wait for him to get raped in prison, but then what else do you expect for 'half breeds'?
Im sure his bunkmates will force him to repeatedly re enact the bit with Trayvon on top.

He can yell "Help! Help!" with that high pitched scream all he wants as he's being butt pounded. Noone will still believe that was him screaming.

I don't ever want to hear another word out of the lefties ever again about racism. This is as racist as it gets. Apparently to lefties, the only people in prison are big black guys who like to ass rape other men.

And to top it off we have lefties taking glee in a violent act being perpetrated on another individual. Those who stand by and watch these posts are just as guilty as those who make it. I don't ever want to hear Darla and her FemiNazi buddies cry about the "rape culture".

Filthy disgusting hypocrites.
I am amused at how the liberals are now revealing themselves to be the blood thirsty sharks that they have been all along. completely devoid of all caring and compassion, something they say that conservatives don't have....their projection exposes their hypocrisy.
I don't ever want to hear another word out of the lefties ever again about racism. This is as racist as it gets. Apparently to lefties, the only people in prison are big black guys who like to ass rape other men.

And to top it off we have lefties taking glee in a violent act being perpetrated on another individual. Those who stand by and watch these posts are just as guilty as those who make it. I don't ever want to hear Darla and her FemiNazi buddies cry about the "rape culture".

Filthy disgusting hypocrites.

Ummmm...fuck you. First off, I didn't say anything, seems as.though some of my peers are trying to give a little back to conservatives, who spew this kind of shit on a continual basis.

I don't find it attractive from either side of the aisle.
Ummmm...fuck you. First off, I didn't say anything, seems as.though some of my peers are trying to give a little back to conservatives, who spew this kind of shit on a continual basis.
there are two people on this board that are considered 'righties' that spew racist crap and that's it. so 'giving a little back' is bullshit.
there are two people on this board that are considered 'righties' that spew racist crap and that's it. so 'giving a little back' is bullshit.

I wasn't necessarily talking about racism. I was also including the prison rape, hoping people that your side doesn't like die horrible deaths(Janet N thread ring a bell?) And.all the other horrible shit you guys tend to no, it's not "bullshit".

I don't agree with what some of my peers are's sinking down to your side's level.
I wasn't necessarily talking about racism. I was also including the prison rape, hoping people that your side doesn't like die horrible deaths(Janet N thread ring a bell?) And.all the other horrible shit you guys tend to no, it's not "bullshit".

I don't agree with what some of my peers are's sinking down to your side's level.
you still haven't learned to pay much attention here. I guess that sinks you down to desh's level. that's pretty fucking low.