you still haven't learned to pay much attention here. I guess that sinks you down to desh's level. that's pretty fucking low.
now whos party was it that was cheering death in the primary debates?
you still haven't learned to pay much attention here. I guess that sinks you down to desh's level. that's pretty fucking low.
It's not that it's politically incorrect.....it's just that in America everyone is a mutt. It's pretty appropo of nothing.Half breed?? That's really politically correct now isn't it? Would you call Obama a half breed?
That's if he's convicted. The record for the 11 circuit appealing convictions is smaller than ILA's IQ. Zimmerman would go into protective custody initially and then he'd be sent to a transition facility where they determine where he'll servie his sentence and where he'll learn what's expected of him as a prisoner. Then they'll send him to his permanent facility to serve his sentence. That could be around 6 months to a year given the notoriety of the case. After that I'd say he's probably be no worse off than any other convict.i think any sentence is a death sentence. no way he doesn't get shanked. If I were zimmerman and I got convicted, I would go into protective custody, hold out until my appeal probably goes through, and if that fails, I would kill myself.
It was only Mao Zedong that had the Guns...
Had the people been armed...Different Story
Wow.....finally someone who knows less about history than 3D. LOLIt was only Mao Zedong that had the Guns...
Had the people been armed...Different Story
You're being far to nice. That was a completely ignorant statement. Mao started a guerrilla action cause he DIDN'T have the guns.Mao didn't need guns in the beginning....he had the people's support. Besides, dirt.poor farmers.didn't have the money to even think about a gun.
All of this and now we are in bed with that Communist country ....guess ideology goes out the window when their are.huge.profits to be made.,
my guess was the democrats and republicans. since they are not my party and I do not participate in their primaries, I can't really say.now whos party was it that was cheering death in the primary debates?
the world isn't flat, desh. there's also the Libertarian party, as much as you hate to acknowledge reality.again a right winger claims he is not a republican.
Man who are all those voters that vote republican?
He's a half breed. They hate them. I'm with steelplate. I'm not convinced he'll be convicted. I'm more interested in the process.
Ummmm...fuck you. First off, I didn't say anything, second....it seems as.though some of my peers are trying to give a little back to conservatives, who spew this kind of shit on a continual basis.
I don't find it attractive from either side of the aisle.
Hmmm, not being very nice are you? I understand you being upset about your fellow libbies being called out on their racism. It would seem the left wing excuse seems to be "we are only returning the favor". You claim to be better than righties, yet you sink to their level. You see, you started off insulting me. I am not stooping to your level. I can't control how you act, but I can control how I act.
Now, I find it interesting that you claim you don't like the behavior of your fellow lefties, yet I don't see you calling any of them out. You seem to be yellling at the people who AREN'T calling for the violent rape of another human being. Odd don't you think? Are you afraid of your fellow lefties wrath? Afraid they might kick you out of the club and take your decoder ring?
BTW, not sure why your knickers are all in a twist because I was directly quoting Kenny, but since you decided to insert yourself so be it.
One final note. I have noticed that since your drunk infused rant from about a week ago, you have gotten much more angry. Maybe you are feeling regret about giving away too much?
Have a blessed evening.
Oh...aren't you the "Master Baiter"....drunk infused rant? Oh you mean the night that I mentioned my wife was.in DC with a friend and I was enjoying a little time away from remodeling? Yeah...that was a rant alright...
BTW....did I NOT just call them out by typing the post you quoted?
You really think that was calling them out?
I get it. You want to stay on Howey and Darla's good side. Good little puppy.
I said something...perhaps you wanted me to go on a right wing tirade...sorry
Looks like the liberal fantasy of violent rape against George Zimmerman at the hands of a black man will have to remain a fantasy