How long will it be before ivanka trump

Your wife regularly cumming by and making her squeal gets the job done, peewee.

ROFLMAO. Your bunk fantasies are awesome, inmate. Please continue. Give it all you got. Let's see how far that little lizard brain of yours can go.
Her squeals are very real. Not my fault you can't make her holler, peewee.

That's it? That's all you have, inmate? Jesus, you're more simple-minded than I thought. Try to get an education, inmate, then get back to me on it with something interesting.
Right here, dear, did you bother to report this? I saw nothing in our forum. It helps us when you report. Thanks

No, I did not. I've said before, I don't report anything. I've found there's usually plenty of people around here that will report even the slightest of things. I didn't think I needed to.
No, I did not. I've said before, I don't report anything. I've found there's usually plenty of people around here that will report even the slightest of things. I didn't think I needed to.
Then don’t complain when I don’t see it, mods don’t catch everything on the forum. Thanks
writes a will have to be after her filthy dirty pig father trumputin dies
hopefully he will die soon..

ivanka will write a tell all book that her father has been fu-kin her for years
when she was in her early/ late teens...there's absolutely no question it happened
he dropped many hints on the H.Stern show and other places long ago it's all on tape...
there's pictures of them in very compromising positions everywhere that fathers
never do with their daughters.....trumputin is a filthy pig of massive
proportions without question..that's what republiCONS are all about....

something is seriously wrong with you. seek professional help immediately
This thread is a nice illustration of how disgusting the Left is, why they should be told that they get ignored till they either learn or relearn how to behave like civilized human beings.

We must shoot for upgrading them to at least what we expect out of kindergartners.

Then we can talk about their ideas.

See if they are above K Level.

You are so full of shit...any idea the reBOOBliCONS want to talk to the left about
their ideas is the silliest statement I've ever heard..all you JO's want to talk about
is nonsense..bull shit...and how tiny your dicks are...Donnals calls his...his pee pee
cuz that's all it is a tiny peepee...and he calls his ass his poopoo..trumputin is a
reBOOBliCON mentally deranged fool just like you,,
something is seriously wrong with you. seek professional help immediately

My guess is you spend to much time in moms basement on a stool... and the only thing they hear from you is gimme some
milk and cookies..and some lubricator cuz my dick and mouth are raw and my hand is callused...trumputin the needle dick
mental incompetant that has russians pee on haven't be able to have the russians pee on you yet...

My guess is you spend to much time in moms basement on a stool... and the only thing they hear from you is gimme some
milk and cookies..and some lubricator cuz my dick and mouth are raw and my hand is callused...trumputin the needle dick
mental incompetant that has russians pee on haven't be able to have the russians pee on you yet...


in the real world, people like you get the shit kicked out of them - so I guess your internet tough guy persona is therapeutic

in the real world, people like you get the shit kicked out of them - so I guess your internet tough guy persona is therapeutic

oh no! you're trying to be dismissive... when in fact you're just showing your a dumb's so sad...
you had some points about you... like your head comes to a point..and you never have a point when
you post....and the point of all this is the reBOOBliCON party is bankrupt and trumputin is toast....all
to be gone in the very near future

oh no! you're trying to be dismissive... when in fact you're just showing your a dumb's so sad...
you had some points about you... like your head comes to a point..and you never have a point when
you post....and the point of all this is the reBOOBliCON party is bankrupt and trumputin is toast....all
to be gone in the very near future



you are a shit stain - ever forum you roll through you leave a smelly streak behind. That isn't dismissive, that is observation. you are poser with an online persona that you would be a coward to exhibit in the real world
Seriously? That's all you got, inmate? A 12B violation? Your little criminal lizard brain couldn't come up with a single thing that was both smarter and more accurately on topic?
What are you talking about this whole thread is nothing but filth originating from a filthy depraved imagination.
What are you talking about this whole thread is nothing but filth originating from a filthy depraved imagination.

Nice to see your true face, ExLan. Do you bitch about the "dirty pillows" on all the women too as you are flagellating yourself one-handed with a cat-o'-nine-tails and use the other hand to....well you know. ;)

Nice to see your true face, ExLan. Do you bitch about the "dirty pillows" on all the women too as you are flagellating yourself one-handed with a cat-o'-nine-tails and use the other hand to....well you know. ;)


Quit posting your fantasies on the forum you hag!
I merely asked where were you at. But I will admit it was at 4:30 AM, and I guess you were getting your much needed beauty sleep. I should have been more conscientious.
No, problem, I’m up early but not that early.

Yes, I do need that beauty sleep, now if it would only make me smarter, too.


you are a shit stain - ever forum you roll through you leave a smelly streak behind. That isn't dismissive, that is observation. you are poser with an online persona that you would be a coward to exhibit in the real world

no one listens to RED NECKS...especially suck happies that name themselves after diseases of the ass hole...
molesters like you are out on probation and will be returning once they catch you into boys or girls huh....

I hear you, earl and that sifty ho here (I can't spell her name) started a new "CIRCLE JERKER CHAPTER"
and are concentrating on bringing in fag guys...CUZ THAT'S WHAT YOU LIKE..HUH I sa you have a couple
months before your back in prison...Oh that's why you like ass holes...ITS PRISON!!!