How many Congressional "traitors" will we have on Wednesday?

so, given your logic, i can label you a racist or a conservative, maybe even a trump supporter, and it would be true........thanks

Nice try
Now, if I actually tried to destroy our democracy, the label would certainly fit. That said, your blind worship of tRump puts you farther into the realm of possible traitor than I will ever be.
Nice try
Now, if I actually tried to destroy our democracy, the label would certainly fit. That said, your blind worship of tRump puts you farther into the realm of possible traitor than I will ever be.

nice try, partisan twit. you're wrong. end of story
They are simply scared of being "primaried".

I think some of them actually believe this stuff - Trump won by a landslide, and so on.

I don't know how many but they are the scary ones. When you have blind fanatics in high places, it's disturbing.

The rest are just part of the Swamp like many politicians.
They are simply scared of being "primaried". Yet another downfall of our "career politician" system.

This is a lot bigger than that. This is a challenge to the American system. What do we have if 37 percent of the people think our elections are corrupt?. How does a country exist when it is that divided on a thing so fundamental?
Out election system is extremely clean, yet the reds are talked into absolutely believing something that corrosive. They really believe it.
I have said before it is not Trump. He is a clown and a conman. But he has convinced his followers that all is corrupt and dishonest. They don't care about America anymore. They see enemies in every direction.
Trump's techniques will be used by others like him. Hawley is like trump, he is ambitious, but maybe a lot smarter. He may really change America is a worse way. He can be the lifetime leader that Trump wanted to become.
This is a lot bigger than that. This is a challenge to the American system. What do we have if 37 percent of the people think our elections are corrupt?. How does a country exist when it is that divided on a thing so fundamental?
Out election system is extremely clean, yet the reds are talked into absolutely believing something that corrosive. They really believe it.
I have said before it is not Trump. He is a clown and a conman. But he has convinced his followers that all is corrupt and dishonest. They don't care about America anymore. They see enemies in every direction.
Trump's techniques will be used by others like him. Hawley is like trump, he is ambitious, but maybe a lot smarter. He may really change America is a worse way. He can be the lifetime leader that Trump wanted to become.

stfu for once.
I'm extremely curious about what part of the constitution defines treason as contesting an election................since so many of you retards are supposed experts on the constitution, this should be easy for you.

Also, federal law makes specific provisions for objecting to the certification of the electors. It is a waste of our time and will obviously be unsuccessful, but using a federal law designed for that purpose is hardly a violation of their oath and certainly not treason.
This is a lot bigger than that. This is a challenge to the American system. What do we have if 37 percent of the people think our elections are corrupt?. How does a country exist when it is that divided on a thing so fundamental?
Out election system is extremely clean, yet the reds are talked into absolutely believing something that corrosive. They really believe it.
I have said before it is not Trump. He is a clown and a conman. But he has convinced his followers that all is corrupt and dishonest. They don't care about America anymore. They see enemies in every direction.
Trump's techniques will be used by others like him. Hawley is like trump, he is ambitious, but maybe a lot smarter. He may really change America is a worse way. He can be the lifetime leader that Trump wanted to become.

trump would have sold his own mother to save his ass. Destroying the country to save his ass would be no issue for tRump.
I think the Dems should kick in for a plaque to be put in front of the capital listing the names of the brave reds who voted against the certified electoral college votes. They should be proudly displayed for future politicians to admire. The reds should be happy to kick in.
Members of Congress took an oath to defend the Constitution on Sunday. How many will violate that oath in servitude to, and fear of, tRump on Wednessay?

as far as traitorous people go seems the the democrats have that pretty well wrapped up trying to change amendments