How many ladies post here?


Lets see .. we have Lady T, Care4all, Dar_la .. anyone else? Am I missing someone? Oh! Ive forgotten the little queen bee ...Robdawg!! :rolleyes:
He's been using spellcheck more at least that is my guess. He's said a few things that got me then just went right out and stated so...

Hell, I though it was all ladies around here! :cof1:

well I know maineman is defintely hiding his true sexuality!:eek:
One of the newbs is a lady... I'll let y'all guess at who.
Are all women ladies? Not to muddy the water or anything, you understand.

Ah, how things change. There was a time when, if someone'd posted a thread with this title, at least three female posters would have come back with some variation on the "Who you calling a 'lady'? We're WOMEN, damnit! Keep your nasty patriarchal stereotypes to yourself" theme.

Funny thing is, I miss those days. "Ladies" still creeps me out a bit. :D
LOL. Yeah, she is kind of stuck back in the fogey-days where lady was an insult and equality meant never acting like a man.