How many MAGAs will see their Medicaid and disability benefits cut?

What's with the relevance question? I give my opinion and that's it and if you don't like you can make me Irrelevant by ignoring me, okay

Perhaps you can explain how a series of lame, generalized memes about Trump are relevant to the topic under discussion, but I doubt it.

You do know what the thread is about, don't you?
You are self-aware? I wondered.

Thanks for your service. We need someone to take Evince's place.

Looks as though you're qualified.
Washington is where all good people go to become corrupt, blind to reality and completely detached from the people that vote them into office, that's why we need term limits on all facits of government, including the Supreme Courts.
Washington is where all good people go to become corrupt, blind to reality and completely detached from the people that vote them into office, that's why we need term limits on all facits of government, including the Supreme Courts.

All you need to do is amend the Constitution, then. Hop to it! To hear you tell it, you don't have much time...
Where have you heard any Righty howl for Trump to protect entitlement programs? He's simply keeping them place. And just in case I missed it, could you or did you find a Trump quote where he said he was going to cut those particular entitlements?
Here's one, you dumb fucking idiot:

“There is a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting and in terms of also the theft and the bad management of entitlements,” Trump said. “There’s tremendous amounts of things and numbers of things you can do.”

Cypress doesn’t seem to understand that SS and Medicare are not entitlements but something we paid into.
Nope, Social Security is the purest form of welfare.

Your FICA taxes are not being put into a bank for you to withdraw when you retire.

Social Security is a direct transfer of money from younger people to older people. That is a pure form of welfare and is a seminal model for the social welfare state.

What you agreed to as a younger man was to pay taxes to support old people, in the expectation that when you were old, young people would give their money to support you.
That is hella cheap for comprehensive medical coverage for a senior citizen.

That's the scheduled monthly 2025 Medicare Part B premium. It's not the cost of "comprehensive medical coverage for a senior citizen."

Jesus wept.