How Many Of Your Ancestors Owned Slaves?


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Politically, Obama is a black Communist as cunning as they come. He was not very bright, but he was slick and determined when he snatched the nomination from Hillary’s Clinton’s grasp in 2008. He was not smarter than Clinton. He got the nomination because he was sly enough to corral black voters, and white liberals. Those two groups are forever committed to any black candidate.

Blacks traditionally vote for the Democrat anyway. Obama knew that he was not going to lose the black vote to an unlikeable white woman. That reality gave him the wiggle room to concentrate on romancing white Democrats with talk of hope and change. (Did anyone else notice in 2008 that every time you saw a clip of Obama in front of an audience that audience was 99 % white?) “We’s all God’s Chillen” was the subliminal message in Obama’s meaningless rhetoric. Clinton’s white supporters failed to overcome Obama’s combined total of black voters and liberal white voters.

Hillary Clinton was not going to get black voters regardless of what she said in 2008. Had she thrown black voters overboard and concentrated on white liberals by tying Obama to reparations she might have won the nomination in addition to scoring big time in the general election.

Reparations came with Civil Rights for black Americans. Blacks wanted freedom first. When they got it they rejected it:

Not too many former slaves headed for Africa after the Civil War set them free. In fact, many Africans living in all-black countries in Africa chuck their freedom and head for white welfare countries at every opportunity.

Incidentally, open borders could work for black Americans in one respect. If thirty-five million black Americans decided to immigrate to one or two countries in Africa, they could takeover the entire continent in no time at all —— the same way it happened with European settlers and Native Americans. Substitute non-existent racism for religious intolerance and you have the same ingredients that prompted European whites to come to the New World.

Black Americans are more advanced than the overwhelming majority of native Africans. If societal evolution brought on by a mass migration to Africa repeats the New World paradigm, black Americans and their descendants could soon be living on, and dominating, a continent without white people to contend with. (Whites are already leaving some parts of Africa.)

Once established in Africa, black American expatriates could then demand reparations from the black descendants of the people who sold them into slavery in the first place. Blacks demanding reparations from blacks can hardly be considered racist.

Next, assume each descendant of the original slaves is given a thousand dollars (reparation hustlers never tell us the actual amount they want). Those Americans who are half white and half black should only get $500. I am sure Bishop Sutton would agree that fair is fair. Frankly, I would not give them a penny because most ½ & ½ Americans already have government jobs which is more lucrative than reparations.

There is not one person alive today whose ancestors were not slave owners, and slaves. One way or the other, every human being has two biological parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, and so on. The number of ancestors doubles as you go back through past generations. Counting twenty years as a generation go back 33 generations or 660 years. If you stop counting in the year 1359, the total number of your ancestors is 8,589,934,592 give or take a few due to occasional incestuous inbreeding. Go all the way back to ancient Egypt and your ancestors number in the hundreds of billion. So the certainty of being descended from slave owners, and slaves, is beyond question.

On the bright side you do not have to invite all them over for Thanksgiving dinner every year.

Senator McConnell’s confession played fast and loose with the obvious. Senator McConnell throwing a bouquet at Obama because they both oppose reparations smells like a dead rat more than it smells like roses:

Finally, I always maintained that the Chicago sewer rat is more loyal to Africa than he is to America. Even today the lying sack of shit double speaks his opposition to reparations. His sly commitment to paying reparations to American blacks as well as to black Africans proves my case.

Eight-hundred and forty-five billion dollars is "significant" international reparations, for sure.

June 04, 2008
Meet Obama's Reparations Model
By Kyle-Anne Shiver and Lee Cary

p.s. This says it all about race hustlers and parasites demanding reparations:

What a nutso thread. Obama is very bright. I suppose you never heard him speak, nor the time he walked into the Repubs conference meeting and told them "ask me anything, I am here to talk" and he buried them. Obama is a lawyer and was head of the Harvard law review.
You are simply wrong . Clinton is also bright. Highly educated and experienced in politics and the law.
The Repubs battle was between Cruz and Trump. Cruz might be smart but is devoid of human conditions like respect for others and empathy, That are also Trump's characteristics minus the intellect. Trump has a 5th-grade vocabulary and a 5th-grade brain. Intelligent people cringe when he speaks in public.
Your bigoted thread should embarrass you. The Repubs in Congress are open in their hatred for Cruz.
After the civil war, black people were lynched. denied work and allowed 2nd class educations. They were prevented from voting by you haters until 1964 equal Voting Act.
Everbody's family owned slaves if you go back far enough, EVERYBODY, even if you have to go back to the Roman Empire. Slavery was the norm in the entire world for thousands and thousands of years, right up until a couple of hundred years ago.
Everbody's family owned slaves if you go back far enough, EVERYBODY, even if you have to go back to the Roman Empire. Slavery was the norm in the entire world for thousands and thousands of years, right up until a couple of hundred years ago.

That is stupid. When you post using everybody or nobody, it is a fail. This thread is ignorance on parade.
Obama is very bright.

To Gonzomin: Only if being an accomplished liar makes him bright.

If your sewer rat was bright he would not have to lie about everything.

It is fair to say that the “constitutional scholar” made no pretense of defending the Constitution. Indeed, swearing his oath of office was the first lie Obama told as president. That is why I do not believe any of the spin talking heads spout about his so-called legacy. The lying sack of shit was aiming at bigger things than the ACA or the Iran Deal. He wanted to be remembered as the Father of Global Government. On top of his father fantasy he was positive his conduct as president would eventually elevate him to ‘Saint of Islam’ for all time in the eyes of Muslims. Obama’s contribution to enslaving the American people in a Muslim theocracy will make him a major Saint of Islam on par with Saint Peter in Roman Catholicism.

Parenthetically, years ago I suggested a way for a president to get a third term:

A former president runs as vice president. The newly elected president resigns a few seconds after he is sworn in. The vice president (former president) is sworn in. In effect getting a third term.

There is one unsolvable problem with the XXII Amendment. Ronald Reagan would surely have gotten a third term. The problem is separating a good man like Reagan from bad men like FDR, Carter, Clinton and Obama.

Nevertheless, I would like to see this Democrat Party ticket in 2020:

Happily, there is not a chance the liar, and the Democrat Party’s resident clown, can win now that American voters know what they did to this country in eight years. Taken separately, open-borders, the Iran Nuclear Deal, the ACA is enough to defeat the ticket. Laying all three on Obama and Biden is enough to send the entire Democrat Party to history’s junkyard for all time.

Slavery was the norm in the entire world for thousands and thousands of years, right up until a couple of hundred years ago.

To Terri4Trump: Two exceptions:

1. The sewer rat’s favorite form of slavery —— Islamic theocracies.

2. Communist governments enslave by overt force. Our Democrats have been using the XVI Amendment to enslave because they cannot employ tanks, guns, and shackles until after they disarm law-abiding Americans.

Bottom line: Combining Islam and Communism is one of the lying sack of shit’s most destructive foreign policy lies.
Why do you even bother, CertifiedFuckingMoron? lol

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Why do you even bother, CertifiedFuckingMoron? lol

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Just proving the claim that you're a coward is true. You're helping more than you'll ever realize.
How Many Of Your Ancestors Owned Slaves?
Politically, Obama is a black Communist as cunning as they come.

When intrepid wingnuts first told me about the FEMA Death Camps, that is when I first started seeing the similarities between Barack Obama and Joseph Stalin.

From what I have been told, it was not possible for my ancestors to have slaves, but they owned serfs. From the perspective of a conservative, a ruthless landlord, or someone who is just plain lazy, it must have been a sweet deal sipping tea in your manor while undeserving peasants worked your fields for you.
Everbody's family owned slaves if you go back far enough, EVERYBODY, even if you have to go back to the Roman Empire. Slavery was the norm in the entire world for thousands and thousands of years, right up until a couple of hundred years ago.

The rich tend to stay rich, and plenty of societies didn't ouch this filth. This is guff.