How Many Of Your Ancestors Owned Slaves?

Yes. But on a brighter note, it's an excellent exhibit of stupidity, envy, and racism. The Reichtards can't help outing themselves.

Note, he calls Obama slick and sly thinking we will not see the slanted terms which immediately renders his thread right propaganda.
Considering all of the emphasis placed on black or of color slavery, what about the preferred ignored among historian huge historical fact of white slavery?:

When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed

A new study suggests that a million or more European Christians were enslaved by Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780 – a far greater number than had ever been estimated before.

Robert Davis
In a new book, Robert Davis, professor of history at Ohio State University, developed a unique methodology to calculate the number of white Christians who were enslaved along Africa’s Barbary Coast, arriving at much higher slave population estimates than any previous studies had found.
Most other accounts of slavery along the Barbary coast didn’t try to estimate the number of slaves, or only looked at the number of slaves in particular cities, Davis said. Most previously estimated slave counts have thus tended to be in the thousands, or at most in the tens of thousands. Davis, by contrast, has calculated that between 1 million and 1.25 million European Christians were captured and forced to work in North Africa from the 16th to 18th centuries."
p.s. This says it all about race hustlers and parasites demanding reparations:


I hope to hell Senator Vomit is only after the money.
Schumer throws support behind bill to study reparations
By Jordain Carney
07/16/19 07:22 PM EDT
Everbody's family owned slaves if you go back far enough, EVERYBODY, even if you have to go back to the Roman Empire. Slavery was the norm in the entire world for thousands and thousands of years, right up until a couple of hundred years ago.

Of course not everybody owned slaves. Why you people make such dumb threads, I will never know. But it is telling they you back each other's flights of fancy.