how many rep points should tom pendegasfadsgsf get?

How many derka derka? O_o

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aaah, poor baby, the internet tough guy that uses rep to threaten people to change their signatures...

obviously rep means a great deal to you and the last time grind gave you extra rep points you used to try and get me to change my sig....

give him a billion points, who cares, maybe it will stop him from going postal off line....i'm mean seriously, what kind of pussy threatens to continually neg rep someone until they change their sig line and then whines when he gets neg repped after the holidays....he needs the points to make himself feel superior, give it to him

I may be a pussy but you are still a cunt. By the way, I wasn't whining that's your speciality, merely observing and pointing out your hypocrisy yet again.
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I have given tom 8675309 rep points.

However, just like in the matrix, when neo refused to return to the source, agent smith also gained in power, to maintain the balance. As such, I have given yurt also 8675309 points. Thus balanced is maintained between two arch rivals and we don't have to hear rep complaints. because they can both pwn each other. The end.

or is it?


Where's the fun in that? When did you discover this need to be fair and even handed? I won the poll convincingly, I contend that you should have a similar poll for Yurt and see how many votes he gets.
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well to be very fair, points were originally for those that took part in my christmas point thread, of which you missed. O_O
no way, its too funny watching you whine to grind about me getting the same rep points as you...


What's even funnier, is watching him act like waterstain did and prove that Liberals will abuse any power they get; no matter how little that power is. :cof1:
I'd compare you to a jet plane but as least its engines stop whining when it lands.

The Big Wussie pulls out his neg rep and shoots!

how many rep points... 01-14-2010 12:53 AM tom prendergast The big wussie strikes back

Did you mean whining like this Prendergasp, you big ol Wussie Pussy? You and the Fat One are relegated to Pussy #1 and Pussy #2 (I'll let you gurls fight over who's first and who's second. No biting gurls!).

So now that you've had your orgasm for the month, what's next Tomasina?

P.S. Glad to see you own my name for you, The Big Wussie!!!!
