Yes, there is.There is no contradiction.
I'm not able to answer this, as you have yet to clearly and unambiguously define what "gender" even is, in violation of rule #2.If you met this person in real life, what gender would you think this person is?
Gender: what society assigns to individuals is NOT clear/unambiguous, and neither is Gender: what transgender identify themelves as. You have to do better than this in order for intelligent discussion about "gender" to occur.
Nope, you have not answered my questions. See my thread rules for more details.RQAA.
Perfect. We've finally made some headway! Now that we've established that "gender" (currently undefined, see rule #2) is a "spectrum", this leads us into rules #4 and #5...There is no limit to the number of genders. And yes gender is a spectrum.
#4: Clearly and unambiguously define "gender spectrum". IOW, please provide me with the left and right boundaries of "gender" for this "spectrum".
#5: Walk me through, step by step (I'm an idiot in need of education, remember?) how I would make use of this "gender spectrum" in order to determine where I would fall on it (How do I determine my gender?)
What is your gender?A person's gender can range from 100% male to 100% female. Not sure why that is hard for you to understand.