How many trumptards have actually read any of Marx's works

If so name a few, or is it the bogyman word that triggers the uneducated


Let's discuss "surplus labor value" and how the concept of such is bullshit, faggot!
I've read "Das Kapital" and "1984", boy.
How many people did Lenin murder or starve to death again? Yeah, no. Not happening on my watch. Not in the land my ancestors built. I'll die fighting against bullshit like that. Win or lose, Americans have nothing to lose and everything to gain fighting that bullshit.
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yea physics isn't science :palm: maybe if dark stool actually went to college instead of trade "skool"

Maybe if you actually knew anything beyond online shilling for a meager check from your handlers.
You could actually make a real living with your knowledge.
I figure you and Margot/Mason run several VMs at any given time shilling the planet.
I used to spam the planet, so I kinda know.
Then I got a real job, and it was satisfying.
You could actually be a worthwhile member of society. Think about it.
LOL. "Paper scientists". I guess Einstein was a paper scientist.

Einstein helped to develop the power of the atom. He was a hard scientist.

Hilarious that you tried to compare yourself to him. You confused atomic chemistry with elemental chemistry. LOL
If so name a few, or is it the bogyman word that triggers the uneducated

You cannot really expect slack-jawed Deplorables who venerate Mike "Crackhead" Linden's election fraud movie to have any substantive knowlege of 19th century European intellectuals.

You might as well ask Ted Nugent what he thinks of Einstein's paper on special relativity.

While few of us have ever read Marx, to the extent Deplorables know anything about him comes from dim witted rightwing American media personalities.
Spoken like a true uneducated ignoramus who wears his ignorance like a badge of honor

Spoken like a true uneducated ignoramus who wears his ignorance like a badge of honor


Are you attempting to claim Marx was some kind of pinnacle of intellectualism, you fucking fucktard?

Hoo boy! You have a hard row to hoe.

Marx was a couch crasher that never worked a day in his life.

Prove me wrong, you bitchass trick!
The slack jaws eyes would glaze over trying to read Marx's Grundrisse. Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy. Maybe some day it will be published in picture book form as part of the trump series on education

Great. They can put that version in his presidential library.

You are a God damned fat ass liar, according to Amazon, Marx's Capital is over one thousand pages long. There is a zero percent probability you read a one thousand page long book by a 19th century German intellectual.

My bet is that there are fewer than 20,000 Americans who have actually read Capital cover to cover.
You are a God damned fat ass liar, according to Amazon, Marx's Capital is over one thousand pages long. There is a zero percent probability you read a one thousand page long book by a 19th century German intellectual.

My bet is that there are fewer than 20,000 Americans who have actually read Capital cover to cover.

I read "The Stand" too, fucktardo! LOL!


Stephen King should use a proofreader.

I've read The Bible 3x..all the way. I can read! :)

I have my own library. Das Kapital is not in it..public library has that.

I do have "The Naked Communist", though. :)

It's a good read!

I read "Das Kapital" as opposition research. ;)
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