How might we gain by becoming a Christian, Jewish, Buddhist or Islamic theocracy?

The framers didn't know how to use prepositions.
They hated the King so they never learned how to write in the King's English.

Freedom OF religion has all but destroyed the republic.

Freedom FROM religion is what was required.
The framers didn't know how to use prepositions.
They hated the King so they never learned how to write in the King's English.

Freedom OF religion has all but destroyed the republic.

Freedom FROM religion is what was required.

How would freedom from religion have prevented or now, solve or lessen our societal ills?
The framers didn't know how to use prepositions.
They hated the King so they never learned how to write in the King's English.

Freedom OF religion has all but destroyed the republic.

Freedom FROM religion is what was required.
Freedom of religion means your religion can be anything including none. Your religion falls under secular laws though.
How might we gain by becoming a Christian, Jewish, Buddhist or Islamic theocracy?

That's the extent of the OP.


I believe, strongly, that there is a Higher Intelligence in the universe that "guides and takes intrest in our lives". I don't believe in man-made religion of any kind and have always tried follow Groucho Marx's example/advice; "I refuse to join or be part of any group or organization that will accept me as a member".

Maybe it is time that we face up to what John Adams told us.
Freedom of religion means your religion can be anything including none. Your religion falls under secular laws though.

We wouldn't have state legislatures trying to ban birth control if people's religious beliefs weren't catastrophically influential.
There is no tyranny worse than theocracy.
We wouldn't have state legislatures trying to ban birth control if people's religious beliefs weren't catastrophically influential.
There is no tyranny worse than theocracy.

Don't move to those fucking states then if you want to kill babies. I'm sure many states will be in favor of it. Move there.
That's right. That poster is a leftist and Buddhism is a religion. Orange man bad, religion bad. Marxism good. It's like talking to Tarzan

Always comical when individuals on the right throw around terms describing abstract concepts as Marxism like they were bumper stickers, bet anything few of them actually know anything about Marxism other than what some TV or radio demagogue told them
Always comical when individuals on the right throw around terms describing abstract concepts as Marxism like they were bumper stickers, bet anything few of them actually know anything about Marxism other than what some TV or radio demagogue told them

So clearly we agree that the extent of leftist knowledge is Orange man bad, religion bad, marxism good as you can't refute any of it and instead attack me. So dazzle us with your knowledge of Marxism.