How might we gain by becoming a Christian, Jewish, Buddhist or Islamic theocracy?

Always comical when individuals on the right throw around terms describing abstract concepts as Marxism like they were bumper stickers, bet anything few of them actually know anything about Marxism other than what some TV or radio demagogue told them

Capitalism....good or bad?
Capitalism....good or bad?

For starters, pure socialism, which you are calling Marxism, nor pure capitalism, don’t exist anywhere in the world, purely theoretical. Your understanding of either as a dichotomy is irrelevant to today’s reality

Every economy today is a mixed economy, includes features of both socialism and capitalism, including the US, which has been part socialist since the 18th Century if not sooner.
For starters, pure socialism, which you are calling Marxism, nor pure capitalism, don’t exist anywhere in the world, purely theoretical. Your understanding of either as a dichotomy is irrelevant to today’s reality

Every economy today is a mixed economy, includes features of both socialism and capitalism, including the US, which has been part socialist since the 18th Century if not sooner.

Capitalism bad or good? Simple question.
Only Christianity and Islam are both converting religions and ones that could or would form a theocracy. Judaism and Buddhism on the other hand have established rules that make them unsuited to forming a theocratic state. For example, to be a "proper" Jew you have to have been born into the religion. There is no real mechanism for conversion. Buddhism is not a converting religion. That is, it doesn't try and force anyone to join it. That makes it hard to create a theocracy because you have no means to convert a non-Buddhist society to Buddhism other than to ask those in it to convert.