How much does Renoir suck as an artist? Well, Trump’s a fan …


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Donald Trump has criminally bad taste in just about everything. He orders his steaks well done and drowns them in ketchup. His Manhattan penthouse is gold and famously gaudy. He wears shiny suits that never seem to fit properly. And then there’s his taste in art: the man loves himself a bit of Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

I recently visited the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia (home to the world’s single largest collection of Renoirs) and, after looking at 10 million pictures of dough-faced women, I had something of a revelation: Renoir is incredibly overrated.

Scroll back up. I asked a question. Can you make a comparison? It's not that hard.
It isn't like you have 10 or 12 subjects to compare. Come on! You can do it!
Well, maybe not...
So, you think the thread is about Hunter Biden.
I don't have any grudges against Renoir but this OP is a ridiculous twisted syllogism. Just because a repulsive person likes a particular artist says NOTHING about the art.

Trump probably only likes Renoir because it's a name he heard in elementary school and he knows Renoir's work is often expensive. The key being EXPENSIVE in Trump's aesthetic selection process.
Donald Trump has criminally bad taste in just about everything. He orders his steaks well done and drowns them in ketchup. His Manhattan penthouse is gold and famously gaudy. He wears shiny suits that never seem to fit properly. And then there’s his taste in art: the man loves himself a bit of Pierre-Auguste Renoir.

I recently visited the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia (home to the world’s single largest collection of Renoirs) and, after looking at 10 million pictures of dough-faced women, I had something of a revelation: Renoir is incredibly overrated.

I didn't need to know that the writer was an American woman as it's glaringly obvious. Renoir was an incredible artist anybody that tells you otherwise is a dilettante.
Of the French impressionists, I generally find Pissarro the most appealing
Pissarro is said to have predicted that Van Gogh would “either go mad or leave the Impressionists far behind”. A few years later he added: “That he would do both, I did not foresee.”
Pissarro is said to have predicted that Van Gogh would “either go mad or leave the Impressionists far behind”. A few years later he added: “That he would do both, I did not foresee.”
I think art historians would generally say Van Gogh was technically not part of the impressionist movement, he was a post-impressionist.
I think art historians would generally say Van Gogh was technically not part of the impressionist movement, he was a post-impressionist.
Camille Pissarro met Vincent van Gogh whilst he was living in Paris in 1887 with his brother Theo, make of that what you will.