David Jeffrey Spetch
Verified User
Spetch, I'm logging out soon. If you want to teach about how the world works you're running out of time.
How To Defeat Globalists 101 Global Wake Up Call video
The Question All Modern Physicists Cower From Because They Lie video
There is no such thing as an islamaphobe yet officials lie to you like garbage video
At op,
People like to join things. Sometimes verifiably false facts are used to gauge devotion.
I think it's disgusting and choose to be a member of as few things as possible. I abhorre collectivism and rate only one lie worse than argumentum ad populum.
But, i'd be a member of something if i devoted myself to the above. Thusly, ijdgaf.
If you are claiming you believe the sun will give off light and heat tomorrow, that is at least reasonable as the sun factually exists and it factually gives off heat and light.
There are no proofs in an open functional system.
The 'lies' you speak of is simply another religion.
It is not possible to prove any god or gods exist.
It is not possible to prove any god or gods do not exist.
It is not possible to prove no god or gods exist.
No religion can prove itself True.
No one can prove any religion is False (except religions based on buzzwords, a void argument, or other fallacy, by use of the internal consistency check).
All religions are based on some initial circular argument, and all other arguments in that religion stem from that. The circular argument is also known as the argument of faith. It is not a logical fallacy itself, but trying to prove a circular argument either True or False is. This is what a fundamentalist does.
I suggest bringing up future threads of this nature in the Religion forums. It's the wrong place for it here.
It's not only possible, it's already been done and it was a piece of cake, you being deliberately ignorant doesn't change what primary fact already proves. go ahead and contest this little thing with even so much as a shred of validity, you never will because the facts I share already prove that beyond any shadow of doubt that no such thing as a god ever existed.
You seem to think ignoring and lying changes primary fact. Facts are not argued, they are not agreed upon, they are not believed, they are either recognized or ignored. Go ahead and contedst this with even so much as a shred of validity, short but sweet.

Learn what 'fact' means. 'Fact' does not mean Universal Truth or 'proof'. Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
So you are trying to put words into my mouth to try and argue with yourself about it? The fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. If you are claiming this is not fact, let alone primary fact then go right ahead and share just one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness. You never will because again the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter. Piece of cake, struggle all you want because you'll never change what primary fact already proves.