How on earth did Hillary lose?

That's your opinion, and mine is 180 degrees from yours. Since you also think that the two parties are somehow going to disappear that puts you in the illogical thinking category, therefore your opinion is worth shit. Sorry.

Not what he said. Making your opinions worthless.
I still haven't figured out why Hillary lost. Was it the Russian uranium deal? or was it wikileaks ? or was it Podesta ? or Comey ? or was it a sexual predator husband ? or was a staff's husband Wiener immoral pictures ? was it subpoena violation? or was it the corrupt foundation ? or was it the congressional lies ? or was it the Benghazi bungle ? or was it pay for play ? or was it travel gate scandal ? or was it whitewater scandal ? or the Cattle Gate scandal ? Or the Trooper Gate scandal ? Or was it the $15 million for Chelsea's apt bought with foundation money ? Or Comey's investigation ? Or her husbands interference with Loretta Lynch and the investigation ? Or was it stealing debate questions ? Was it forensically deleting 30,000 emails ? The secret server in her house? Was it the Seth Rich murder ? Was it calling half the USA deplorable ? Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders ? Was it the Vince Foster murder ? The Jennifer Flowers assault ? The Jennifer Flowers settlement ? The Paula Jones law suit ? The $800,000 Paula Jones settlement ? The lie about taking on sniper fire ? The impeachment ? The 6 billion $ she "lost" when in charge of the state dept ? The 10 million she took for the pardon of Marc Rich ? Or was it because she is a hateful & lying? Stealing from Haiti? Unethical lawyer who got fired from her 1st job? Defending a Chester?
Gee, I just cant quite put my finger on it, but it seems to be right in front of me.
She is too old. She is almost as old as Trump is.

You have to admit that Trump seemed to be right when he said he had more energy than most of his other opponents, especially hrc.
I don't know how he does it with his diet, weight and lack of meaningful physical activity.
But we've all heard stories of people that smoke two packs a day, start drinking martinis at noon and live well into their 90's.
You have to admit that Trump seemed to be right when he said he had more energy than most of his other opponents, especially hrc.
I don't know how he does it with his diet, weight and lack of meaningful physical activity.
But we've all heard stories of people that smoke two packs a day, start drinking martinis at noon and live well into their 90's.

No you do not have to admit that. he said it about Bush with absolutely no evidence and no explanation of why it matters. Trump is suffering alzheimers or dementia. That is why he needs to have control over his doctors. Trump does not show energy, unless you think golfing with a cart is bigtime exercise.