APP - How precious are words?

words help us pass the time

Did you say something? Yes, I was talking to you, didn't you hear me? No, what was it you said? Nothing important, actually I think I'll start now. Huh? Start talking now, what I said is in the past, don't you agree? That is true, go on Yes, go on, that is true too, we always go on, there is no stopping the thing is there? What thing? Life, it goes on and on, we grow old, my bones, how they ache is that what you wanted to talk about? No, not at all, funny isn't it, time has moved this whole time we have been talking Yes, how true, once again you have caught on to something, go on Yes, there's no stopping it, do you remember when you were a child? Vaguely, I remember wanting to grow up, that's my only memory of that time Up, yes, isn't it funny how words stand in for time? Up, our future Yes, you're right, but now we are up as you put it so well, what is left? Or right Oh right, direction again, but time you can't move in time can we? it has control Yes, most certainly time is all there is An odd thought, what do you mean? Mean, meaning has nothing to do with it, we are caught, you and i, caught by our birth to exist in time, no way to get around it, no way to deceive it Suppose we break all clocks to revenge this fate? No, that would hardly do, clocks only stand in for time, time itself is nowhere or maybe everywhere it is god then Yes, one could say that Shouldn't we then worship it? What good would that do, like all gods it never listens I will shout then 'time''time' Listens No answer See, I told you so Maybe we should offer some sacrifice? No, that would not do either Does time ever listen? No, never You are certain of that, huh? Yes, certain Why? I have watched man try for ages to get his attention, but never a word or sigh he hears A he huh? Who knows Never a word? Yes, never, but don't you see this is all imaginary, we have made it up, you and i, only to occupy time That is true, go on Yes, I will, isn't this enjoyable, this passing of time? But is that all there is? Starts singing, 'is that all there is' funny, but look it is getting dark, night is coming, see it is working What is working? This passing of time I am growing tired Not up? No, only tired Me too, it is fun this passing of time isn't it, good night Good night Tomorrow's another day Another time Another day to pass time I am beginning to enjoy time See you tomorrow I can hardly wait Maybe then we will get a chance to talk Will it be like today? Yes, of course, just like today
How would you convey the idea of history without a word?

With an image.

I think this is "deep" only for the stoned.

One may use words to paint an image, with those words they can diminish understanding or expand it. The attempt to diminish the importance of that period of history should be met with a staunch reiteration of its importance. The words used to paint the picture are only important through what use you put them towards.
With an image.

I think this is "deep" only for the stoned.

One may use words to paint an image, with those words they can diminish understanding or expand it. The attempt to diminish the importance of that period of history should be met with a staunch reiteration of its importance. The words used to paint the picture are only important through what use you put them towards.

Not trying to be "deep", trying to clarify. Not stoned either.

Why would you describe using a word as "an attempt to diminish that period of history" when one would imagine rather that one's intent in choosing a highly charged word would be to invoke the enormity of that period of history in relation to a contemporary topic?
With an image.

I think this is "deep" only for the stoned.

One may use words to paint an image, with those words they can diminish understanding or expand it. The attempt to diminish the importance of that period of history should be met with a staunch reiteration of its importance. The words used to paint the picture are only important through what use you put them towards.

For anyone who thinks images are sufficient may I suggest you watch "The World at War" with no sound. Without words the millions of images would makes no sense except to show death and destruction. Images requires context, background.
For anyone who thinks images are sufficient may I suggest you watch "The World at War" with no sound. Without words the millions of images would makes no sense except to show death and destruction. Images requires context, background.

Thay sei that the ‘I’s r a winder on th sole. I think is worms. Worms ar hoo we are and iff oui sayem rong we niggate our own justaphide presents on this plannit. Sew worls are very impotent. Sum poople think worfs doan mattre and there speling is mot improtant eye-ther. I disser gree, speling shud orwees be krekt as grammer could be too it is sumtime but uther time is not and one endup been sadd and have to go out an kount
Sum purple, lik me, hav some prombles with langwidge butt at the end is orl ok. Iminges are v v v improtant but imajin a map with no worms on it and no plaice gnomes also. You wunt no wear are you and maybe go hoam to thee rong howce. Vvv few pitchers can addy quately tell asstorie one thet ken is Guernica by Pablo Picasso.
Chines worms, of curse arawl pitchers and they youz a differal parle of the brain to reed. They use the saim bit we youz to luk at paintins.
Not trying to be "deep", trying to clarify. Not stoned either.

Why would you describe using a word as "an attempt to diminish that period of history" when one would imagine rather that one's intent in choosing a highly charged word would be to invoke the enormity of that period of history in relation to a contemporary topic?

You describe it that way, I did not. Your straw man is weak, unclothed, and obvious.
Strawman? You said if we use the word hitler (and other words I assume) it weakens it. (the word overused). I am saying words convey ideas and are not weakened by use. How is that a strawman?
Strawman? You said if we use the word hitler (and other words I assume) it weakens it. (the word overused). I am saying words convey ideas and are not weakened by use. How is that a strawman?

A deliberate "misinterpretation" of the context. The use in the thread clearly understates and diminishes the impact of the history through a comparison to something with little historical impact. It is necessary to restate the actual history that they pass over when such comparisons are made so that no generation will misplace the necessary knowledge to learn from history.

Calling a feminist a "nazi" for instance. People who use such terminology are either ignorant of the true history, if they met a real Nazi they'd crap their pants, pass out, and wake up with a number tattooed on their arm in line to have their fillings removed for the gold, their skin removed to be made into a lampshade, fed poisons to test effectiveness, made to make the very implements of death which will be their end after they dig their own grave.

It isn't something that should be used as a dismissive joke as it diminishes our capacity to understand and learn from what happened. The word use isn't the problem, it is the attempt to diminish the history.
Why would I deliberately misinterprate your meaning? What an asinie assumption. I started the thread to gain a deeper understanding.
You choose to act as a guardian of history, I choose the convienence of a powerful vocabulary. Maybe when I am wiser I will feel more akin to your idea, however to think that an occasional use of a weighted word in a verbal jousting match among idiots is going to influence future generations of scholars from detecting the horror of Hitler's Germany seems weak reasoning at best.
Why would I deliberately misinterprate your meaning? What an asinie assumption. I started the thread to gain a deeper understanding.
You choose to act as a guardian of history, I choose the convienence of a powerful vocabulary. Maybe when I am wiser I will feel more akin to your idea, however to think that an occasional use of a weighted word in a verbal jousting match among idiots is going to influence future generations of scholars from detecting the horror of Hitler's Germany seems weak reasoning at best.

Nah, you chose to put the importance on "certain words" and then assign that same meaning to what I said, drawing it out of context and deliberately misapplying meaning.

I'm good with that, I just don't think it is either honest or deep.

Do you believe that the history of the holocaust should be diminished by making the words commonplace without the impact of the history?

I don't stop you from using the words, I just take the opportunity to teach people of the actual history so that the history itself will not be diminished by making its use cartoonish.

It isn't historians that need to be reminded.
Nah, you chose to put the importance on "certain words" and then assign that same meaning to what I said, drawing it out of context and deliberately misapplying meaning.

I'm good with that, I just don't think it is either honest or deep.

Do you believe that the history of the holocaust should be diminished by making the words commonplace without the impact of the history?

I don't stop you from using the words, I just take the opportunity to teach people of the actual history so that the history itself will not be diminished by making its use cartoonish.

It isn't historians that need to be reminded.

Isn't it obvious I don't understand? Why would I need to be devious? Learning just now that you are a historian helps. If the thread had been full of blacksmithing misnomers I likely would have jumped in too.
I note that you disregarded points I made which IMHO are valid.
Isn't it obvious I don't understand? Why would I need to be devious? Learning just now that you are a historian helps. If the thread had been full of blacksmithing misnomers I likely would have jumped in too.
I note that you disregarded points I made which IMHO are valid.

I answered each point in the post I quoted, up to and including pointing out that it isn't historians that I think may have a diminished understanding of the history. Your sarcastic suggestion that historians would somehow misunderstand was an attempt at misdirection, I redirected it when I said that it isn't the historians that need to be reminded if you choose to use the "weighted words" for "more power" in a way that will diminish the history.

It is the same reason that people shouldn't use the "n-word" in such a cartoonish way, IMO. It may take power from the word, but the word should have power, it reminds us of a terrible time in our own history and its continued impact in modern times.
...Vvv few pitchers can addy quately tell asstorie one thet ken is Guernica by Pablo Picasso...

We saw Guernica when it was still at MoMA and if you think outside of context that picture says anything at all, you just have to show it to people unfamiliar with its background and you will find your answer. Let us know.


....It is the same reason that people shouldn't use the "n-word" in such a cartoonish way, IMO. It may take power from the word, but the word should have power, it reminds us of a terrible time in our own history and its continued impact in modern times.

Words change consider gay as an example, but if you'd like to understand the changing N_word, ride the Broad Street subway in Philly with the black students and you'll find it is closer in meaning to a simple put down and has no historical consideration at all for them.
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