How right wing billionaires have corrupted the body politic and are destroying America


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Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, in the video, below, explains how right wing billionaires, using dark money funneled through front groups such as the Federalist Society, the Judicial Crisis Network, have gained control over the courts using unelected justices to enact their agenda. And via the courts, they bypass democracy to exact their will on America, against the will of the people. Step by step, Whitehouse explains how they have done it, and are still doing it and how they have corrupted America to it's core.

A vote for Democrats is a vote for democracy and to end this right wing fascist takeover of America.

Don't be fooled, folks, they accuse Democrats of the very thing they have been doing for quite some time.

Summary of the video:

  • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse accuses the Supreme Court of low legitimacy due to ethical misconduct and refusal to address it.
  • Justice Clarence Thomas is called out for sitting on cases involving efforts to overturn the 2020 election despite his wife's involvement.
  • The court has allegedly taken no real steps to address ethical issues, adopting a toothless ethics code with no mechanism for investigation or enforcement.
  • The Supreme Court is criticized for taking away women's right to an abortion, limiting government's ability to fight climate change and protect consumers, and inventing the idea of absolute immunity for former presidents.
  • The court has made it harder for ordinary people to vote while making it easier for billionaires and special interests to impose their will through unlimited dark money.
  • A decades-long scheme involving right-wing front groups like The Federalist Society and Judicial Crisis Network is described, with over $580 million estimated to have been spent.
  • Senate Republicans' blocking of Merrick Garland's confirmation set the stage for Donald Trump to fill that seat, with nominees influenced by billionaire operative Leonard Leo and right-wing dark money groups.
  • Justices have allegedly flouted federal law requiring recusal from cases with conflicts of interest.
  • Senator Whitehouse proposes bills to restore the Supreme Court's legitimacy, emphasizing a binding, enforceable code of conduct and stricter ethics rules.
  • Proposes term limits for Supreme Court justices, with new appointments every two years, supported by President Biden and Vice President Harris.
  • Bills include stricter disclosure of gifts and penalties for noncompliance, having passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and awaiting a Senate vote.
  • Reforms aim to make the court more representative of the American people and lower the political stakes of Supreme Court nominations.
  • Whitehouse supports Supreme Court reform, echoing President Biden and Vice President Harris's calls.
  • Acknowledges respect for the court but argues reform is necessary to save it from itself.
  • Faces opposition from the "big money right-wing apparatus" but expresses hope for a shift in national consciousness towards the need for reform.
  • Concludes by acknowledging Congress's responsibility to deliver on this issue.
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, in the video, below, explains how right wing billionaires, using dark money funneled through front groups such as the Federalist Society, the Judicial Crisis Network, have gained control over the courts using unelected justices to enact their agenda. And via the courts, they bypass democracy to exact their will on America, against the will of the people. Step by step, Whitehouse explains how they have done it, and are still doing it and how they have corrupted America to it's core.

A vote for Democrats is a vote for democracy and to end this right wing fascist takeover of America.

Don't be fooled, folks, they accuse Democrats of the very thing they have been doing for quite some time.

Summary of the video:

  • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse accuses the Supreme Court of low legitimacy due to ethical misconduct and refusal to address it.
  • Justice Clarence Thomas is called out for sitting on cases involving efforts to overturn the 2020 election despite his wife's involvement.
  • The court has allegedly taken no real steps to address ethical issues, adopting a toothless ethics code with no mechanism for investigation or enforcement.
  • The Supreme Court is criticized for taking away women's right to an abortion, limiting government's ability to fight climate change and protect consumers, and inventing the idea of absolute immunity for former presidents.
  • The court has made it harder for ordinary people to vote while making it easier for billionaires and special interests to impose their will through unlimited dark money.
  • A decades-long scheme involving right-wing front groups like The Federalist Society and Judicial Crisis Network is described, with over $580 million estimated to have been spent.
  • Senate Republicans' blocking of Merrick Garland's confirmation set the stage for Donald Trump to fill that seat, with nominees influenced by billionaire operative Leonard Leo and right-wing dark money groups.
  • Justices have allegedly flouted federal law requiring recusal from cases with conflicts of interest.
  • Senator Whitehouse proposes bills to restore the Supreme Court's legitimacy, emphasizing a binding, enforceable code of conduct and stricter ethics rules.
  • Proposes term limits for Supreme Court justices, with new appointments every two years, supported by President Biden and Vice President Harris.
  • Bills include stricter disclosure of gifts and penalties for noncompliance, having passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and awaiting a Senate vote.
  • Reforms aim to make the court more representative of the American people and lower the political stakes of Supreme Court nominations.
  • Whitehouse supports Supreme Court reform, echoing President Biden and Vice President Harris's calls.
  • Acknowledges respect for the court but argues reform is necessary to save it from itself.
  • Faces opposition from the "big money right-wing apparatus" but expresses hope for a shift in national consciousness towards the need for reform.
  • Concludes by acknowledging Congress's responsibility to deliver on this issue.
A multi-millionaire complaining about billionaires. Maybe he's jealous

Bull SHit.....Conservatives control nothing in America.....the Conservatives of the UniParty are cucks for the WOKE Death Cult while pretending to battle really they never win any of the battles.......because they dont want to.
You have a point if it were true but of course you're incapable of knowing the truth so I can't take you seriously

Says the one backing a candidate that received ZERO votes and was anointed by a cabal of Billionaire Oligarchs. Warren Buffet, George Soros, Mark Zuckerburg, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos - those who own the democrat party and run it for their own profit and power.
Says the one backing a candidate that received ZERO votes and was anointed by a cabal of Billionaire Oligarchs. Warren Buffet, George Soros, Mark Zuckerburg, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos - those who own the democrat party and run it for their own profit and power.

The Democratic national convention squashes your premise not to mention the Constitution says nothing about how candidates are nominated

Yeah she ran before and didn't do well same goes for Reagan who bombed twice before before winning the nomination on the third try same goes for Nixon same goes for bush in 1980 same goes for Donald Trump in the year 2000

You're not factoring in the difference that 8 years as VP makes
Says the one backing a candidate that received ZERO votes and was anointed by a cabal of Billionaire Oligarchs. Warren Buffet, George Soros, Mark Zuckerburg, Tim Cook, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos - those who own the democrat party and run it for their own profit and power.
America borrows/makes a trillion dollars every 100 days....conservatives are allowed to participate in the theft only so long as they behave they sell the American people down the river no less than the Africans sold their people to the old slavers. The New Slavers are not all that different.
America created that tiny but powerful oligarch class by under-taxing and under-regulating them,

and now there's no lawful solution that even the most elite minds can share.

Our choice is seriously radical social reform,
the kind that will make a lot of conservative American heads explode,
or dystopia,
and if we refuse to accept that reality,
dystopia it must be.

The Democratic national convention squashes your premise not to mention the Constitution says nothing about how candidates are nominated

The National Abortion rally?
How does that "squash" anything ?

The candidate that the people nominated was kicked to the curb by the ruling Oligarchs. No one voted for Kamala.

Yeah she ran before and didn't do well same goes for Reagan who bombed twice before before winning the nomination on the third try same goes for Nixon same goes for bush in 1980 same goes for Donald Trump in the year 2000

You're not factoring in the difference that 8 years as VP makes

4 years, not 8.

Let Kam-Kam explain it:

The National Abortion rally?
How does that "squash" anything ?

The candidate that the people nominated was kicked to the curb by the ruling Oligarchs. No one voted for Kamala.

4 years, not 8.

Let Kam-Kam explain it:

Ok 4. BFD


1. They will vote for her in the general election and that's all that matters

2. the Constitution says nothing about how to select candidates for nomination

3. Framers of the Constitution did not intend on primaries as the means to select the candidate

4. Before the 20th century there were no primaries and until 1968 the party pretty much selected the candidate

5. The voters did vote for Joe Biden which includes his wisdom and his wisdom selected Kamala Harris and the voters have accepted that as evidenced by the vast enthusiasm for her at the DNC and note that on the general election she will win and if she doesn't win in the Electoral College she will win more votes than Trump

So kwitcherbitchin'
Ok 4. BFD


1. They will vote for her in the general election and that's all that matters

Not enough to make her president. And I don't think the DNC fraud machine, as impressive as it is - is enough to overcome the dissatisfaction America has with the failed Harris/Biden regime over the last four years.

2. the Constitution says nothing about how to select candidates for nomination

Who said it does?

Straw man fallacy dismissed.

3. Framers of the Constitution did not intend on primaries as the means to select the candidate

That's exactly the means they used. They didn't intend on parties and most were opposed. Instead they preferred primary elections to choose candidate. Conventions rose with the parties.

4. Before the 20th century there were no primaries and until 1968 the party pretty much selected the candidate

Well, Tammany Hall did at any rate. Corruption and election fraud are the lifeblood of the shameful democrat party.

democrats, democrats never change.

5. The voters did vote for Joe Biden which includes his wisdom and his wisdom selected Kamala Harris and the voters have accepted that as evidenced by the vast enthusiasm for her at the DNC and note that on the general election she will win and if she doesn't win in the Electoral College she will win more votes than Trump

So kwitcherbitchin'

Wisdom and Joe Biden in the same sentence - no way you typed that with a straight face.

The Oligarchs selected Kam-Kam, now America will defeat her.
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, in the video, below, explains how right wing billionaires, using dark money funneled through front groups such as the Federalist Society, the Judicial Crisis Network, have gained control over the courts using unelected justices to enact their agenda. And via the courts, they bypass democracy to exact their will on America, against the will of the people. Step by step, Whitehouse explains how they have done it, and are still doing it and how they have corrupted America to it's core.

A vote for Democrats is a vote for democracy and to end this right wing fascist takeover of America.
I don't want a democracy. It is an unstable form of government. I support the Constitution. The United States was never a democracy.
Don't be fooled, folks, they accuse Democrats of the very thing they have been doing for quite some time.
LIF. Grow up.
Summary of the video:

  • Senator Sheldon Whitehouse accuses the Supreme Court of low legitimacy due to ethical misconduct and refusal to address it.
Void argument fallacy.
  • Justice Clarence Thomas is called out for sitting on cases involving efforts to overturn the 2020 election despite his wife's involvement.
There was no 2020 election.
  • The court has allegedly taken no real steps to address ethical issues, adopting a toothless ethics code with no mechanism for investigation or enforcement.
Void argument fallacy.
  • The Supreme Court is criticized for taking away women's right to an abortion, limiting government's ability to fight climate change and protect consumers, and inventing the idea of absolute immunity for former presidents.
There is no right to murder. The Supreme Court did not take away any right.
  • The court has made it harder for ordinary people to vote while making it easier for billionaires and special interests to impose their will through unlimited dark money.
It did no such thing.
  • A decades-long scheme involving right-wing front groups like The Federalist Society and Judicial Crisis Network is described, with over $580 million estimated to have been spent.
  • Senate Republicans' blocking of Merrick Garland's confirmation set the stage for Donald Trump to fill that seat, with nominees influenced by billionaire operative Leonard Leo and right-wing dark money groups.
What "right wing dark money groups"??
  • Justices have allegedly flouted federal law requiring recusal from cases with conflicts of interest.
No such law.
  • Senator Whitehouse proposes bills to restore the Supreme Court's legitimacy, emphasizing a binding, enforceable code of conduct and stricter ethics rules.
Void argument fallacy.
  • Proposes term limits for Supreme Court justices, with new appointments every two years, supported by President Biden and Vice President Harris.
Biden isn't President. Kamala isn't Vice President. Neither were elected.
  • Bills include stricter disclosure of gifts and penalties for noncompliance, having passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and awaiting a Senate vote.
Void argument fallacy.
  • Reforms aim to make the court more representative of the American people and lower the political stakes of Supreme Court nominations.
The Supreme Court is not the House of Representatives.
  • Whitehouse supports Supreme Court reform, echoing President Biden and Vice President Harris's calls.
Repetition. Biden isn't President. Kamala isn't Vice President. They were never elected.
  • Acknowledges respect for the court but argues reform is necessary to save it from itself.
Void argument fallacy.
  • Faces opposition from the "big money right-wing apparatus" but expresses hope for a shift in national consciousness towards the need for reform.
What "big money right-wing apparatus"?
Not enough to make her president. And I don't think the DNC fraud machine, as impressive as it is - is enough to overcome the dissatisfaction America has with the failed Harris/Biden regime over the last four years.
Time will tell, of course. Remember all those illegal immigrants? They're registering to vote. Sometimes they even get caught!

Chances are pretty good we'll see another election fault, just like 2020 and 2022.

People have had quite enough of that as well!