How right wing billionaires have corrupted the body politic and are destroying America

Ok 4. BFD


1. They will vote for her in the general election and that's all that matters
Who are 'they'? The illegal immigrants the Democrat party imported? You know that's treason, right?
2. the Constitution says nothing about how to select candidates for nomination
So you support a 'party' that doesn't listen to it's constituents. Their vote doesn't matter one whit. Why do you hold a primary at all?
3. Framers of the Constitution did not intend on primaries as the means to select the candidate
Obviously, you don't need primaries. You ignore your constituents anyway.
4. Before the 20th century there were no primaries and until 1968 the party pretty much selected the candidate
That's not a party. That's an oligarchy. Political parties are made up of people. You ignore them.
5. The voters did vote for Joe Biden
which includes his wisdom
and his wisdom selected Kamala Harris
Biden didn't elect Kamala!
and the voters have accepted that
as evidenced by the vast enthusiasm for her at the DNC
What 'vast enthusiasm'?????
and note that on the general election she will win and if she doesn't win in the Electoral College she will win more votes than Trump
The President is not elected by popular vote, idiot.
Not enough to make her president.
That remains to be seen. She's gaining in the polls and Trump isn't gaining.
And I don't think the DNC fraud machine, as impressive as it is - is enough to overcome the dissatisfaction America has with the failed Harris/Biden regime over the last four years.
There is no evidence of fraud.
Who said it does?
Well, it goes to all the complaints that she wasn't voted on in a primary, so I made the point.
Straw man fallacy dismissed.
See above.
That's exactly the means they used. They didn't intend on parties and most were opposed. Instead they preferred primary elections to choose candidate. Conventions rose with the parties.
Primaries didn't exist before the 20th century
Well, Tammany Hall did at any rate.
We are not the descendents of 19th century politicians nor was I talking about local politics of NY.
Corruption and election fraud are the lifeblood of the shameful democrat party.
yet Republicans elected the most corrupt president in history. Evidence supplied on request.

democrats, democrats never change.
Wisdom and Joe Biden in the same sentence - no way you typed that with a straight face.
Sure, he put country above party, and stepped down. That's an uncanny level of integrity. He chose Harris, which was wise.
He got the infrastructure bill passed, over 56,000 infrastructure projects occurring as we speak. Biden is rebuilding America. Trump paid lip service to it and couldn't get it done even when he had both houses under his thumb.
The Oligarchs selected Kam-Kam, now America will defeat her.

Dream on. We're gonna whip republican butt in November.
That remains to be seen. She's gaining in the polls and Trump isn't gaining.

Quite the opposite. She maintains a slight lead, but is losing ground.

There is no evidence of fraud.


Lying isn't as clever as you think it is.

Well, it goes to all the complaints that she wasn't voted on in a primary, so I made the point.

The hypocrisy of your party claiming to represent "democracy" when you shit all over it is beyond the pale.

See above.

Primaries didn't exist before the 20th century


While the parties moved to conventions starting with Andrew Jackson, the early Republic engaged in direct vote to select candidates to run for both congress and the presidency. Note that the Constitutional method did not follow the party model. The people voted for a slate of candidates who were then presented on the general ballot. The one with the most EC votes was President, the second place was Vice President.

We are not the descendents of 19th century politicians nor was I talking about local politics of NY.

democrats today are more corrupt than Boss Tweed.

yet Republicans elected the most corrupt president in history.

Republicans did not elect Joe Biden.

Evidence supplied on request.

Shit flinging, you mean?

Is Trump as guilty as Nelson Mandela, or perhaps Gandhi? You Communists are not the first to corrupt the law against those who threaten your power. You join illustrious others such as the Khmer Rouge, The USSR, Cuba, North Korea, Communist China.

Imprisoning and killing the opposition is common - we just never expected that it would happen in America - yet here we are.

Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Joe Biden, Mao Tse Tung, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler - all stains on the fabric of humanity. Points of shame for our species.


Sure, he put country above party, and stepped down. That's an uncanny level of integrity. He chose Harris, which was wise.
He got the infrastructure bill passed, over 56,000 infrastructure projects occurring as we speak. Biden is rebuilding America. Trump paid lip service to it and couldn't get it done even when he had both houses under his thumb.

Dream on. We're gonna whip republican butt in November.

Your party staged a coup against Biden, he went kicking and screaming as you dragged him off.

Who do you think you're fooling?
The founders thought educated people would be in the government and act to help America flourish. They did not think people like Trump and the rightys on the Supreme Court would get into power. The Trumpys seek to change America in fundamental ways creating a plutocracy. They are employees of the super-rich who seek absolute power. They are getting alarmingly close to success.
Teddy Roosevelt talked about the threat that extremely wealthy people presented to the nation. That is why he was into Trust Busting, higher taxes on the rich, and strong estate taxes. It went like Glass Steagal. The wealthy spent generations whittling regulation away until they have nearly all the power. justify a party just choosing a candidate and not listening to it's constituents, eh?
Doesn't bother me. At least not in these elections. Because these elections are Trump vs not-Trump. So long as the not-Trump candidate is a normal human being.... I don't care. The elections will be held in November. The people will get the chance to select between Trump and not-Truump. It's a unique election because we have a normal human being running against a convicted felon and rapist. That's how Democracy works.
Doesn't bother me. At least not in these elections. Because these elections are Trump vs not-Trump. So long as the not-Trump candidate is a normal human being.... I don't care. The elections will be held in November. The people will get the chance to select between Trump and not-Truump. It's a unique election because we have a normal human being running against a convicted felon and rapist. That's how Democracy works.
However, Trump has had 4 years to get people in place who will cheat to put him in office even if he gets soundly defeated. If they fail again to cheat and win, then violence is plan B.
Doesn't bother me. At least not in these elections. Because these elections are Trump vs not-Trump. So long as the not-Trump candidate is a normal human being.... I don't care. The elections will be held in November. The people will get the chance to select between Trump and not-Truump. It's a unique election because we have a normal human being running against a convicted felon and rapist. That's how Democracy works.
The President is not elected by popular vote. The United States was never a democracy.
Your only driving force here is hate. You don't even want representation in a party or a government.
The founders thought educated people would be in the government and act to help America flourish. They did not think people like Trump and the rightys on the Supreme Court would get into power. The Trumpys seek to change America in fundamental ways creating a plutocracy. They are employees of the super-rich who seek absolute power. They are getting alarmingly close to success.
Teddy Roosevelt talked about the threat that extremely wealthy people presented to the nation. That is why he was into Trust Busting, higher taxes on the rich, and strong estate taxes. It went like Glass Steagal. The wealthy spent generations whittling regulation away until they have nearly all the power.
However, Trump has had 4 years to get people in place who will cheat to put him in office even if he gets soundly defeated. If they fail again to cheat and win, then violence is plan B.
The President is not elected by popular vote. The United States was never a democracy.
The first step to make Trump a fascist dicator is to convince people that we are not a democracy.... Their reasoning is that this way we won't complain for losing it. But only the least informed among the MAGAs will actually believe it.

We ARE a democracy. But we will have to defend it. Our best choice is to defend it peacefully by denying the presidency to the fascist dictator wannabe. It's the best way to spoil Trump's attempts.
However, Trump has had 4 years to get people in place who will cheat to put him in office even if he gets soundly defeated. If they fail again to cheat and win, then violence is plan B.
I think most of them learned their lesson since January 6. The insurrectionists back then thought that Trump would protect them. Now they learned that he won't.

It won't keep a handful of them from trying, though. The plan this time appears to be to delay the certification of the elections in key states. The remedy is to defeat him resoundingly. Democrats must be aware of this. Not get caught resting on their laurels, like many did in 2016
The first step to make Trump a fascist dicator is to convince people that we are not a democracy....
Buzzword fallacies (fascist, dictator, democracy). Go learn English.
Their reasoning is that this way we won't complain for losing it. But only the least informed among the MAGAs will actually believe it.
Buzzword fallacies (their, reasoning, losing, informed, MAGA, belief). Go learn English.
We ARE a democracy. But we will have to defend it. Our best choice is to defend it peacefully by denying the presidency to the fascist dictator wannabe. It's the best way to spoil Trump's attempts.
Buzzword fallacies (we, democracy, defend, choice, peacefully, denial, fascist, dictator, spoil, attempt). Go learn English.

The United States was never a democracy. A democracy has no constitution and no representatives.
An elected officer of the United States is not a dictator.
MAGA isn't a person.
Fascism is government manipulation of markets.
A dictator is a king. Such a government is a dictatorship.
Trump made no attempt to overthrow the United States. You are hallucinating.
I think most of them learned their lesson since January 6. The insurrectionists back then thought that Trump would protect them.
There was no insurrection on Jan 6th of any year. Trump does not protect nor condone insurrection.
It won't keep a handful of them from trying, though. The plan this time appears to be to delay the certification of the elections in key states.
No one can delay the certification of the election in any State. Only the legislature of a State may certify the election for the electoral college members, who will in turn vote for the President and Vice President. The legislature of a State, and ONLY the legislature of a State, may choose the electoral college members.
The remedy is to defeat him resoundingly.
Remedy for what, the Democrat election fraud that is already occurring? It was DEMOCRATS that caused the elections of 2020 and 2022 to fault.
Democrats must be aware of this.
They are fully aware of the election fraud they are conducting.
Not get caught resting on their laurels, like many did in 2016
Democrats committed election fraud in 2016 as well, but the election cycled despite this and Trump was elected. The election fraud by Democrats was insufficient to cause the election to fault.

A democracy has no constitution.
What nonsense. Even the Classic Athennian Democracy had a constituton. It was written by Aristotle (or one of his students). It's on a papyrus and is in display today at the British Museum..

Look... dude... nothing personal but I'm going to have to stop reading your nonsense altogether. You just make up watever nonsense you thnk up and post it.

It's a waste of time so... thanks for playing....