How Sara will do it-fair warning Biden

Not next term baby---not next term.

I predict Palin vrs Hillery in 2012.

She will start taking notes from 2008 to 2012--and she will be ready to empower the citizens. Like America is suppose to be---commie. hehe

So sorry....aint gonna happen. America is fed up with fascist right wing extremist. You're day is done.
I keep hearing the Democrats telling us about all the obscene profits the US oil companies are making. Since I think I know who Sara Palin is, this is how I think she will easily tear Biden down on this issue. You Dems give Palin so much ammo--this is gonna be good.

1st Our US oil companies produce a tiny bit of oil comapred to the world production. They don't have hardly any copntrol of the cost of a barrel of oil. This is a prime reason whey we have to produce more of our own oil to be more self sufficient. Our nation has become as dependant as a liberial voter---because of the Demacrats not letting us use our own resourses. Do you know--we are the only nation in the world, that is not allowed to go after their own natural resources. That is what the Dem party did to us about 30 yearfs ago. We haven't built a new refinery in about 30 years, or did any new sizeable drilling in about the same time. Folks--I live on the oil, it is there with billions of "cubic feet" (a term the dems think you are to stupid to understand) of natural gas, ready to tap. I don't think there is any question on why our energy costs are high, and why we are dependant on countries that are not very friendly to us.

2nd It is time the American people learned the difference between profits, and profit margins. Profits are the dollar amount the company has made--profit margins is how much money in % the company made on each dollar invested. Tech companies like Googel, Microsoft, etc--have profit margines around 20 to 25%. They make about 25 cents on every dollar they invest in their own company. Oil companies have a profit margine of about 7 to 8%. They make 7 to 8 cents on every dollar thbney invest into their comapny.

What Biden and Obama proposes is a windfall profits tax (widfall is actually out of context, but what is new with the liberials--windfall means you got money with no effort--like the Democratic congresses pay check). on companies that mave 1/3rd the profit margine as many comapnines in the USA. Biden want to tax their "windfall profits" and there really is not any widfall profits,,just a lot of their own money invested in their own company. That equals a tax on the size of your company, and is a chapter out of the red book.

McCain understands the distribution of wealth basis on which the Democrats support. Remember my fellow citizens, distributing of wealth is one of the bassis of communisum. US philosophies are in danger. The day we start taxing a company based on how big it is, and not on the actual profit margins, is the day all comapnies not deemed in the so called "good light" that the Democrats like, will be attacked. Which is the next industry to be attacked by the distribution of wealth Demacrats?

It is true that McCain wants to give our oil companies tax breaks, but that is all the Dem party is telling my fellow citizens. The fact is, McCain wants to give all coporations tax breaks, so more business will come in to the USA. Lord knows we have lost enough jobs, and the dem party not willing to drop coporate taxes to improve our economy is very questionable.

It is going to be that easy for Palin. If there is one major advantage I learned in my personal business, -- if you educate the people during your speaches, the people will love you.

Taking down Biden and Obama is going to be like shooting Alaskan salmon in a barrel for Palin. It is a typical politician (either party) to leave many holes in their claims--Palin will open those holes up for all to see--and not only excite a host of first time voters, and voters who gave up--she will also steal dem votes when they realize somebody else is actually telling the truth.

My opinion. Lets see what happens at the VP debate.

This will not go over well with the female voter.

Wasilla Police Billed Sexual Assault Victims for Their Own Rape Kits08Sep08
Of all of the things I’ve learned about Sarah Palin in the last week and a half, this has got to be the most disturbing. While Sarah Palin was serving as the Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, the city charged victims of sexual assault between $300 and $1200 for their own rape kits. A rape kit is a sexual assault forensic evidence kit, used to collect DNA that can be used in criminal proceedings to assist in the conviction of those who commit sex crimes. The kit is performed as soon as possible after a sexual assault or attack has been committed. It is usually humiliating and uncomfortable for the victim–imagine enduring that and then paying $1200 just so that the criminal who assaulted you might be caught.

Taken from the Frontiersman… Please note that the Governor who signed the new law preventing sexual assault victims from paying for their own rape kits was a Democrat, Tony Knowles. And please share with any woman you know who might be voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

‘Knowles signs sexual assault bill
Published on Monday, May 22, 2000 9:00 PM AKDT
JO C. GOODE / The Frontiersman / May 23, 2000