How soon before this unmitigated outrage backfires on democrats?

Notice the leftist fascist blow holes have no answer to what one if their own has to say.
But its demonstrably true that the left routinely overplays its hand.
Impeachment II looking shakier by the day.
Hello Darth,

Do you have a link showing some representative of the 'rest of the world' commenting that the USA 'looks like a two-bit dictatorship?'

Or is this simply your own impression... (my guess.)

I actually agree ‘the world’ thing is kind of lame though liberals are far worse about invoking it.

“The world hates Trump for yada yada”. As if ‘the world’ is some sort of monolith lol. I admit it’s pretty stupid. Typically, when lefties invoke it, the world=Western Europe and maybe Iran, depending what the outrage is.

My point is dictators typically rely on shows of military strength *against their own people* as a means of intimidation. This is not a good look for the supposed leader of the free world.

And surely, there are some people in ‘the world’ who find it to be pretty odd or even a little unsettling to see that here. Especially parts of the world that live under dictatorships.

Even more unsettling, to me anyway, is the ho-hum attitude about it.
Daft Omar 61;
How soon before this unmitigated outrage backfires on democrats?

The ' unmitigated outrage ' was Trump's attack on the Capitol . Maybe you missed that.

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.

If the rioters caught politicians, they would have killed them. 5 people killed at a peaceful riot? Are you rightys planning on another one and the soldiers out of the way?

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.

You folks milked it for years, this post is prob way to premature..
All summer, the OP called out posters on JPP for not more forcefully and clearly denouncing the riots that came about from some of the BLM protests.

And yet, when a very clear riot takes place stemming from a rally held by Trump supporters - and we've got the video on that (ain't pretty) - it's all downplay, downplay, downplay.

Darth - have you once even criticized what happened on 1/6?
All summer, the OP called out posters on JPP for not more forcefully and clearly denouncing the riots that came about from some of the BLM protests.

And yet, when a very clear riot takes place stemming from a rally held by Trump supporters - and we've got the video on that (ain't pretty) - it's all downplay, downplay, downplay.

Darth - have you once even criticized what happened on 1/6?
whos downplaying? I condemned the Capitol riot right away
what were' pushing back is the notion Trump supporters are "domestic terrorists" fomented by "white supremicists"

you want so badly to paint that broad brush -just 1 last chance to deligitimize Trump which you've done from day 1
-not having it then, and not now

It’s an axiom that Democrats will overplay their hand when they stumble onto something they think will enable them to get or hold onto power.

They are using the 1/6 Capitol mostly peaceful protest to militarize DC as a means to prop up the propaganda that half the country are potential domestic terrorists.

How is Biden able to get away with this outrage without declaring martial law? Why isn’t congress *demanding* to see the actual intelligence that justifies the presence of 25,000 of our own boots on our own soil?

We look like a two-bit dictatorship to the rest of the world.

The peaceful protesters are not the reason for the military being there. It is because of the protesters that weren't peaceful.
The peaceful protesters are not the reason for the military being there. It is because of the protesters that weren't peaceful.

Oddly, leftist "protesters that weren't peaceful" (and still aren't) didn't seem to require military occupation of our capital or other cities.
looks like Somoza's troops in Managua. fitting as we are now a banana republic

LOL, Trump and the cult had a hard on for troops patrolling the streets of every single American city. It now appears the Trump viagra has worn off, and they are flaccid. Standing there with their limp dicks in hand. Whine some more, losers.
All summer, the OP called out posters on JPP for not more forcefully and clearly denouncing the riots that came about from some of the BLM protests. And yet, when a very clear riot takes place stemming from a rally held by Trump supporters - and we've got the video on that (ain't pretty) - it's all downplay, downplay, downplay. Darth - have you once even criticized what happened on 1/6?

Those who committed criminal acts at the American Bastille a couple of weeks ago have been arrested and charged. One was killed.

How many BLM "protesters" have been charged, tried, convicted and sentenced?
Hello Darth Omar,

I actually agree ‘the world’ thing is kind of lame though liberals are far worse about invoking it.

“The world hates Trump for yada yada”. As if ‘the world’ is some sort of monolith lol. I admit it’s pretty stupid. Typically, when lefties invoke it, the world=Western Europe and maybe Iran, depending what the outrage is.

My point is dictators typically rely on shows of military strength *against their own people* as a means of intimidation. This is not a good look for the supposed leader of the free world.

And surely, there are some people in ‘the world’ who find it to be pretty odd or even a little unsettling to see that here. Especially parts of the world that live under dictatorships.

Even more unsettling, to me anyway, is the ho-hum attitude about it.

OK, got it.

So 'the eyes of the world' was indeed your own conjecture.

Figured as much.
How soon before this unmitigated outrage backfires on democrats?

Never. They have achieved one party rule. Now that they've found a way to win every election, it's only going to get worse. Party members and/or sympathizers control the government, most of the courts, tech and media companies, and the public education monopsony.

No organized resistance is allowed. January 6th was the perfect (too perfect, IMO) excuse for the permanent cancellation of your rights.

Inconvenient arguments won't see the light of day unless it's to be debunked by politically-correct "experts" and "fact-checkers" who will tell the public that any source of information they disapprove of is illegitimate and untrustworthy, if they don't deplatform them or pressure businesses to cease serving them and advertisers to stop supporting them.

Donation channels to such "unapproved" organizations are shut off by payment processors and banks, and the prospective donors are subject to surveillance and IRS scrutiny.

Those who speak out are subjected to nonstop harassment and abuse or eliminated from public discourse. Elected officials are threatened with impeachment and criminal charges. Anyone aligned with political opposition is discriminated against in the labor market. They become pariahs, and are fated to suffer the fate that David Marconi warned about in 1998, except this time there's no happy ending.


Accept your lot.

All summer, the OP called out posters on JPP for not more forcefully and clearly denouncing the riots that came about from some of the BLM protests.

And yet, when a very clear riot takes place stemming from a rally held by Trump supporters - and we've got the video on that (ain't pretty) - it's all downplay, downplay, downplay.

Darth - have you once even criticized what happened on 1/6?

My first comment was that I was incensed about it *because* I was a Trump supporter. These jackasses sullied the whole movement and gave the left a veritable propaganda gift.

Yes, the OP was bitching about the rioting that was going on all summer and all I heard was ‘it’s local’ ‘it’s being overblown’ ‘Antifa is unorganized and an idea’ yada yada.

Portland is firing up again. How about we send the military occupation there next? There’s actual rioting going on. They look bored in DC.