How Stupid are we Americans?


Verified User
We allow our Democrat administration to flood our nation with Muslims, anti Semite Muslims, terrorists and criminals of all sorts, give them welfare for life (with multiple wives and children), and then tell us that we must not offend them "or we will go to prison". Islamic immigration has destroyed every country in Europe, and it will destroy both Canada and the US.

Are we so stupid that we'll stand by and watch this happen to our country while our current Traitor-in-Chief throws out the accommodating welcome mat to these criminal illegal invaders?

If for any rigged election reason Trump doesn't win in November so as to save our nation from this evil onslaught at our border, then our country is doomed.
Nothing like a thread title chock full of hilarious irony. :laugh:
IRONY? HILARIOUS? You being an American hating leftist stooge continues to bring a blind eye to the massive destruction
to America by the feckless and disastrous decision by joe bribem to eliminate all of Trump's effective and successful actions
that brought the flow of illegals into the US to an all time low. Have you even seen the statistics of all the illegals taking up residence in the US, not to mention all the got-aways who are most certainly ready to create another 9/11, or even worse?
You need to turn those owl eyes into a 180 spin to see what's actually happening to our nation since joe bribem became the
potus. Wake up and take the blinders off, and try your best to actually care what happens to our Constitutional Republic.