APP - How the Climate Change Scam was hatched

There won't be any jobs left after small business can no longer afford to hire people and pay mandatory insurance for them or face penalties.

I had to forget about the one helper I was thinking about hiring.

I'm not taking all the risks, and doing all the business work, so some kid can get healthcare handed to him at the risk of my neck. Great system, liberals

Isn't it the liberals who want universal healthcare?

Here is Nir Shaviv's volte-face on why CO2 is not the major culprit for global warming.

“ A few years ago if you would ask me I would tell you it's CO2. Why? Because just like everyone else in the public I listened to what the media had to say.[3]
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You'll never convince those who practice confirmation bias.

My personal belief is that the CO2 forcing in models is overstated by 1/3 in an effort to blame CO2, and allow for government control of CO2 to raise revenue. Why would persons in the government act in this manner? The answer is obvious to anyone with an ounce of experience with either people or business. Any item that can be regulated and used to generate revenue is seen as a good thing to our dear government class. They threaten the cutting of vital services and never trim any uneeded projects. Instead they cry for their own, the poor overpaid government worker.

Global warming, climate change, or whatever you call it next, is the ultimate revenue machine for the government class. If you require your information to have their seal of approval, you limit the depth of your knowledge and leave them with the total control of your paradigm. As we've seen from the last few months, the science is far from the best.

But, dear warmers, you must keep your faith. You'll make for such rich comedy in the future.
You'll never convince those who practice confirmation bias.

My personal belief is that the CO2 forcing in models is overstated by 1/3 in an effort to blame CO2, and allow for government control of CO2 to raise revenue. Why would persons in the government act in this manner? The answer is obvious to anyone with an ounce of experience with either people or business. Any item that can be regulated and used to generate revenue is seen as a good thing to our dear government class. They threaten the cutting of vital services and never trim any uneeded projects. Instead they cry for their own, the poor overpaid government worker.

Global warming, climate change, or whatever you call it next, is the ultimate revenue machine for the government class. If you require your information to have their seal of approval, you limit the depth of your knowledge and leave them with the total control of your paradigm. As we've seen from the last few months, the science is far from the best.

But, dear warmers, you must keep your faith. You'll make for such rich comedy in the future.

However, you must clear your mind of subjectivity and remain open to future research. Unfortunately as you say when politics gets involved then, for a time at least, objectivity flies out the window.

I am extremely wary of the unholy alliance that has evolved between environmentalists, investment bankers and politicians. It is quite astonishing how these strange bedfellows have come together. Rolling Stone, which is considered left wing, has been vehement in their denouncement of this trend. My own theory, for what it is worth, is that anything Goldman Sachs is involved in is almost invariably a scam.
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That's incredibly funny as most people consider me to be a liberal. It is doubly funny considering that Margaret Thatcher started the whole thing off in the 80s. I am guessing that you are in your 20s, so I am betting that you will be a conservative after you've left uni and got a job.

It is kinda strange....weren't YOU a true believer not so long ago ???
Weren't you one of the suckers that bought the whole hoax, hook, line and sinker....????
It is kinda strange....weren't YOU a true believer not so long ago ???
Weren't you one of the suckers that bought the whole hoax, hook, line and sinker....????

No, anybody who knows me well, even my opponents, will attest that I've always been a sceptic. Sorry to disappoint you.
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No, anybody who knows me well, even my opponents, will attest that I've always been a sceptic. Sorry to disappoint you.

Sorry...I wasn't accusing you, just have you confused with someone else....
I was practically alone in fighting this nonsense for the last 4 years ....I just didn't remember you as an ally....:good4u:


Are they using a metric besides solar irradicance?
No, not a skeptic, a denier.

You are really very adolescent at times. I have already said that there has been a period of global warming and conceded that CO2 has an effect. However I disagree that there is overwhelming evidence for it having anything other than a small part to play, in the sum total. You would be advised to read this interview with Dr. Roger Pielke, you might actually learn to be a little more sceptical yourself, which by the way is an admirable trait in any self respecting scientist.
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