philly rabbit
Verified User
Yes, I do wish we had exterminated the Southern pest in the 1860s. Too late now, unfortunately...
You go to Hell.
Yes, I do wish we had exterminated the Southern pest in the 1860s. Too late now, unfortunately...
Virginia and Tennessee chose to join the nation that had fired upon Fort Sumter, thus becoming a part of the war their chosen nation had initiated.
The CSA was officially formed on February 4th, 1861, and the constitution was drawn up on March 11, 1861. The attack on Sumter was not until April 12th.
There are three trolls on this thread who are vermin.
It's time to wrap this thread up and if I could find a close feature, I'd close it.
There's no debate going on here, just personal attacks from three south haters who cannot do anything except launch personal attacks and troll.
They are dumbed down moral midgets and PC programed as reactionaries.
You go to Hell.
It's time to wrap this thread up and if I could find a close feature, I'd close it.
There's no debate going on here
If any of these trolls hit the lottery some day and get to meet me in person, I'm going to break their G damned jaws.
They're going to experience what it's like to suck their meals through a straw for at least a month.
Enjoy your day.
If any of these trolls hit the lottery some day and get to meet me in person, I'm going to break their G damned jaws.
They're going to experience what it's like to suck their meals through a straw for at least a month.
Enjoy your day.
Sure you will. I'm shaking in my boots as we speak. What a scary and powerful man you must be. My word, the sheer aura of terror that is being exuded by me, let me tell you.
I chuckled
Sure you will. I'm shaking in my boots as we speak. What a scary and powerful man you must be. My word, the sheer aura of terror that is being exuded by me, let me tell you.
You left your car in the parking lot ..... DUDE.
This is what is called in rhetorical circles "lobbing a hand grenade". SERIOUSLY LAME!!!!How they did it in the south .. up front and sanctioned by the government no less.
How the great social justice warriors who were for liberty, equality, and social justice for all did it up north.
Ladies and gentlemen, you may begin your discussion of said topic at your discretion.
Actually it is a valid point. Racism in the rural midwest is just as virulent as in the south if not more so. The main difference is up here we don't let the knuckle draggers and Klansmen determine our values or laws.Lonely in your klan meeting!
Yup....not even the French are as big of surrender monkeys.says the guy with his racist flag avatar. Germans don't use the swastika anymore but the defeated losers of the south still proudly wave the flag they used to surrender.
Nice!I'm thinking of buying a nazi and Confederate flags. I'll make a collection of the flags of peoples my ancestors have defeated.
Now correct me if I'm wrong here but last I checked wage laborers in this country have a weeee bit higher standard of living than slaves do by just a tad.The point about chattel slavery is that it undercuts wage slavery - nothing whatever to do with social justice, everything to do with profit.