How the politics of racial resentment is killing white people

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Why do many working-class white Americans support politicians whose policies are literally killing them?

This is the question sociologist and psychiatrist Jonathan Metzl tries to answer in his new book, Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland. The book is a serious look at how cultural attitudes associated with “whiteness” encourage white people to adopt political views — like opposition to gun laws or the Affordable Care Act — that undercut their own health.

The book is not about racism at the individual level, though you can certainly read that into it. For Metzl, the key question is how did a politics of racial resentment become so powerful that it overwhelmed even the basic instinct for self-preservation? To get answers, he spent years talking to voters in Southern and Midwestern states, asking them to explain their political choices. The answers aren’t terribly satisfying, but they are instructive.
Why do many working-class white Americans support politicians whose policies are literally killing them?

This is the question sociologist and psychiatrist Jonathan Metzl tries to answer in his new book, Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland. The book is a serious look at how cultural attitudes associated with “whiteness” encourage white people to adopt political views — like opposition to gun laws or the Affordable Care Act — that undercut their own health.

The book is not about racism at the individual level, though you can certainly read that into it. For Metzl, the key question is how did a politics of racial resentment become so powerful that it overwhelmed even the basic instinct for self-preservation? To get answers, he spent years talking to voters in Southern and Midwestern states, asking them to explain their political choices. The answers aren’t terribly satisfying, but they are instructive.

Do those who favor gun laws and the AAA live longer than those who oppose them?
Why do many working-class white Americans support politicians whose policies are literally killing them?

This is the question sociologist and psychiatrist Jonathan Metzl tries to answer in his new book, Dying of Whiteness: How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland. The book is a serious look at how cultural attitudes associated with “whiteness” encourage white people to adopt political views — like opposition to gun laws or the Affordable Care Act — that undercut their own health.

The book is not about racism at the individual level, though you can certainly read that into it. For Metzl, the key question is how did a politics of racial resentment become so powerful that it overwhelmed even the basic instinct for self-preservation? To get answers, he spent years talking to voters in Southern and Midwestern states, asking them to explain their political choices. The answers aren’t terribly satisfying, but they are instructive.

Why do so many blacks support politicians that keep them on the plantation?

Twice the unemployment rate as whites, a 75% bastard birth rate, an incarceration rate that should embarrass all blacks, a dropout rate higher than all other groups, and 1 in every 3 1/2 using food stamps.
There's no question that a huge number of under-educated whites vote in direct opposition to their own economic interests because the Republicans feed on their irrational xenophobic and racist fears. Many of them rendered themselves irredeemable by voting for Trump. They will go to their graves stained.

Their is no question that a huge number of militant blacks contributed to our having Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court for the next twenty or thirty or forty years by refusing to go to the polls and vote for Secretary Clinton in a binary choice against the vile Trump.

Do you think that I enjoyed voting for that bitch? Yes, she was qualified and competent, but ideologically, she was as far to the right of me as she was to many of those African American non-voters. Our job was to hold our noses and vote for her anyway. Allowing Trump to win Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin did long term if not permanent damage to this republic. Those who stayed home are equally stained.

Sorry Cornell West. I used to be a big fan, but you fucked the pooch on this one.
There's no question that a huge number of under-educated whites vote in direct opposition to their own economic interests because the Republicans feed on their irrational xenophobic and racist fears. Many of them rendered themselves irredeemable by voting for Trump. They will go to their graves stained.

Their is no question that a huge number of militant blacks contributed to our having Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court for the next twenty or thirty or forty years by refusing to go to the polls and vote for Secretary Clinton in a binary choice against the vile Trump.

Do you think that I enjoyed voting for that bitch? Yes, she was qualified and competent, but ideologically, she was as far to the right of me as she was to many of those African American non-voters. Our job was to hold our noses and vote for her anyway. Allowing Trump to win Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin did long term if not permanent damage to this republic. Those who stayed home are equally stained.

Sorry Cornell West. I used to be a big fan, but you fucked the pooch on this one.

The only stain is the one on your lips from the constant kissing of a black asshole.

When Ruth finally keels over, you'll have blacks to blame some more.

Trump kicked Hillary's ass and you've done nothing but whine ever since.
I don't think that you're hemorrhaging IQ points anymore, banjofuck.
You've none left, you dumb piece of cracker shit.
The Politics of racial resentment seems limited to those who engage in identity politics, or in other words, the far left.
There's no question that a huge number of under-educated whites vote in direct opposition to their own economic interests because the Republicans feed on their irrational xenophobic and racist fears. Many of them rendered themselves irredeemable by voting for Trump. They will go to their graves stained.

Their is no question that a huge number of militant blacks contributed to our having Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court for the next twenty or thirty or forty years by refusing to go to the polls and vote for Secretary Clinton in a binary choice against the vile Trump.

Do you think that I enjoyed voting for that bitch? Yes, she was qualified and competent, but ideologically, she was as far to the right of me as she was to many of those African American non-voters. Our job was to hold our noses and vote for her anyway. Allowing Trump to win Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin did long term if not permanent damage to this republic. Those who stayed home are equally stained.

Sorry Cornell West. I used to be a big fan, but you fucked the pooch on this one.

so the republicans cheat them out of their rights to vote and you blame them?

wake the fuck up
The Politics of racial resentment seems limited to those who engage in identity politics, or in other words, the far left.

Big tents have never been good for anything but circuses, and Barnum & Baily / Ringling Brothers went out of business.
The whole lament about identity politics is irrational. Parties should mean something. If you join one, there should be a rational reason.
If you have no balls, you can be comfortable straddling a fence as an "independent." Otherwise, you can't.
so the republicans cheat them out of their rights to vote and you blame them?

wake the fuck up

Voter suppression is intolerable in the view of any moral person, evince, but you already know that that's not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about registered voters who voted for Obama (as I of course did) and then just stayed home in 2016.
Voter suppression is intolerable in the view of any moral person, evince, but you already know that that's not what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about registered voters who voted for Obama (as I of course did) and then just stayed home in 2016.

prove they just stayed home
prove they just stayed home

That's actually easy. Both the registered voting roles and the actual poll lists of who voted are public record.
If you take a moment to think, you might remember that from ninth grade civics class.
You can read and write just fine. I'm sure that you went to school, evince.
That's actually easy. Both the registered voting roles and the actual poll lists of who voted are public record.
If you take a moment to think, you might remember that from ninth grade civics class.
You can read and write just fine. I'm sure that you went to school, evince.

that was how to check not proof you checked

If you don't take in all the facts you cant fix things

how many Americans had their vote tampered with last election?

the answer is we don't know

because we don't properly protect Americans rights to vote

heres a hint

Hilary won three million more votes but was cheated out of the office

the Russians helped the republicans game the electoral college by manipulating around 80,000 voters

so in fact

enough black voters voted for hilary to win

the republicans cheated with Russian help

so why are you blaming black voters?
There's no question that a huge number of under-educated whites vote in direct opposition to their own economic interests because the Republicans feed on their irrational xenophobic and racist fears. Many of them rendered themselves irredeemable by voting for Trump. They will go to their graves stained.

Does under-educated mean high school diploma? That makes them representative of 2/3 of Americans.

Those working class whites with high school diploma voted in their own economic interest since the 1930's and their situation did not improve and the Democrats ran them off by calling them deplorables and red-neck hicks. Many (8-9 million) voted for Obama in 2012 and switched to Trump in 2016.

Democrats need to learn they can't treat a group of people like shit and then expect them to support them at election time. By doing so we ended up with Donald Trump.
prove they just stayed home

Look at Clinton's loss in WI. Black voters who loyally vote Democratic turned out in much lower numbers than previously. If black turnout had equaled Obama's turnout Hillary would have won.

Despite claims of voter suppression none can be found. Hillary and Trump created little excitement for voters.
That part is fair, evince. Many black voters stayed home but so did many white ones who just didn't like Secretary Clinton.

three million more Americans of all colors voted for Hilary

if the republicans had not cheated in our elections she would be president right now

The democratic voters didn't do anything wrong

the republicans did the wrong things
Look at Clinton's loss in WI. Black voters who loyally vote Democratic turned out in much lower numbers than previously. If black turnout had equaled Obama's turnout Hillary would have won.

Despite claims of voter suppression none can be found. Hillary and Trump created little excitement for voters.

um asshole

north Carolina?

the republican cheated voters out of their votes being counted
