How the politics of racial resentment is killing white people

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Federal prosecutors investigating potential election crimes have demanded documents for a grand jury reviewing a North Carolina congressional race that's still undecided and being rerun after last year's contest was deemed tainted.
The state elections board on Tuesday provided a grand jury subpoena issued last week showing the U.S. Justice Department's Public Integrity Section in Washington, D.C., is conducting a criminal investigation. The subpoena demands "all documents related to the investigation of election irregularities affecting counties within the 9th Congressional District."
Republican candidate Mark Harris and his campaign also received subpoenas for documents, his personal attorney, David Freedman, said Tuesday.
um asshole

north Carolina?

the republican cheated voters out of their votes being counted


That was not voter suppression, it was fraud with absentee ballots. The FBI has long said absentee ballots present the most common abuse in elections.

Conservatives who want voter IDs accomplish little since there is very little voter impersonation. Liberals who yell about voter IDs suppressing votes are wrong because we can't find any.

We should concentrate on where the real problems lie---with poll workers, voting officials, and campaign workers.

I guess that makes you the asshole for not knowing the difference. And for resorting to insults and name calling.
they collected their ballots ( which is illegal) and then didn't turn them in

that is literally stealing thier ballots idiot
Big tents have never been good for anything but circuses, and Barnum & Baily / Ringling Brothers went out of business.
The whole lament about identity politics is irrational. Parties should mean something. If you join one, there should be a rational reason.
If you have no balls, you can be comfortable straddling a fence as an "independent." Otherwise, you can't.

It's not irrational at all. Identity politics is a from of tribalism centered around essentialism. It leads people to judge others according to biological and racial characteristics rather than the content of their character. It leads to racism and sexism. It undermines democracy.
There's no question that a huge number of under-educated whites vote in direct opposition to their own economic interests because the Republicans feed on their irrational xenophobic and racist fears. Many of them rendered themselves irredeemable by voting for Trump. They will go to their graves stained.

Their is no question that a huge number of militant blacks contributed to our having Gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court for the next twenty or thirty or forty years by refusing to go to the polls and vote for Secretary Clinton in a binary choice against the vile Trump.

Do you think that I enjoyed voting for that bitch? Yes, she was qualified and competent, but ideologically, she was as far to the right of me as she was to many of those African American non-voters. Our job was to hold our noses and vote for her anyway. Allowing Trump to win Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin did long term if not permanent damage to this republic. Those who stayed home are equally stained.

Sorry Cornell West. I used to be a big fan, but you fucked the pooch on this one.

most americans are better served by pulling out of bad trade deals and treaties.