How the Regressive Left Revolution Captured America

Wow. So Soros has been trying to establish Communism in America for 50 years and he still hasn't been able to. Yet we're supposed to believe he's a super powerful puppet-master who controls everything.

And we're supposed to believe that Trump chooses only the best yet could not put together a legal team to prove rampant voter fraud or a Covid 19 task force to effectively address the pandemic.
Soros is an extremely important actor in this revolution, he had money to spend when the Revolution desperately needed seed money, and he has a good eye for talent so between that and his money this revolution has been well staffed, but make no mistake, the birthplace of this Revolution was our "Elite" universities not Soros. This has been a 50 year project yet the Conservatives who tend to think very highly of themselves never seemed to have the first fucking clue what was going on. They never stood up for America, even now they seem ignorant and too cowardly to act.

The Antisemitism Lurking Behind George Soros Conspiracy Theories

Hungarian Jewish billionaire, philanthropist and Holocaust survivor George Soros is widely recognized for funding progressive political and social causes, usually through grants made by his Open Society Foundations. As a result, Soros has become a lightning rod for conservative and right-wing groups who object to his funding of liberal causes.

In far-right circles worldwide, Soros’ philanthropy often is recast as fodder for outsized conspiracy theories, including claims that he masterminds specific global plots or manipulates particular events to further his goals. Many of those conspiracy theories employ longstanding antisemitic myths
From Russian Propaganda but the more important thing is that it is right:

BLM appears to be a "destructive force", opines Charles Ortel, adding that this conclusion was "echoed in polls that may or may not be reliable, taken various ways and places across America". He also presumes that the movement had some hallmarks of an apparent "psy-op" aimed against conservative and patriotic forces not only in the US but also in Europe ahead of the US election and Britain's withdrawal from the EU.

"Since March 2020, investigative journalist Jason Goodman and I have travelled to many BLM protests where we witnessed firsthand purported BLM leaders claiming their goal was to burn the present American system down, then to replace it with some as yet unexplained new, supposedly 'fairer' one," Ortel notes.
Maybe we should have a thread of predictions of when the BLM/ANTIFA paramilitary forces take to the streets again.
And we're supposed to believe that Trump chooses only the best yet could not put together a legal team to prove rampant voter fraud or a Covid 19 task force to effectively address the pandemic.

Well this is also the guy who chooses the best people, only to either fire them or see them end up in jail.
Open borders and everyone has equal outcomes, hierarchies are abolished.

America has some of the strictest border policy in the world.
Everyone having equal outcome is not part of Communism and we don't have that in America, anyway.
We still have hierarchies in America.
All countries have censorship and propaganda in the media.
And what do these things have to do with a stateless and classless society?

Not arresting looters? Any evidence of that?

Not arresting looters goes all the way back to Ferguson MO. People caught on video were never arrested. In the cities if arrested they are not charged by progressive DAs. All fact, all in the Communist playbook.