How The United States Can Start Winning Wars Again

Communist countries are guaranteed losers, asswad.
Winning Wars. Lock up Trump and his gang, the NRA leaders plus the Aipac leaders and end the gerrymandering so you get a country beginning to be worth fighting for.

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I have thought about that. I wonder which side we would have been on if it had been clear there was more money siding with Germany and Italy than the Allies. Perhaps we had too much in common with England but it is interesting to think about.
Yeah? Try telling that to a WWII vet.

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Like my father? This is known through history. Hitler was after money and power. If they come after yours, you have to defend it.

I wasn't aware that Hitler was after your father's money and power. Can you prove that startling assertion?
War, as I tried to explain above, is just another an extension of diplomacy, it isn't about "kicking ass," that's teenage logic, it has to serve an ultimate purpose that advances the interests of our own Nation

What are the "interests of our own Nation", exactly, in your opinion?
This seems to be an excellent subject for confirming my 'ignore' list! Twelve noodle-posts in three pages! :)
For beginners, people do die in war, and we "kicked the ass" of Iraq and the radical elements in Iraq three times and they are still a nuisance today, guess that didn't deliver the ends you think war provides

And war, as I tried to explain above, is just another an extension of diplomacy, it isn't about "kicking ass," that's teenage logic, it has to serve an ultimate purpose that advances the interests of our own Nation

If the radical elements of Iraq are still a nuisance today, we really didn't kick their ass at all. If you kick someone's ass hard enough and to the point it needs to be kicked, they don't come back and are no longer a nuisance.

Teenage logic is thinking you actually kicked the ass of someone that keeps coming back. Teenage logic is thinking fighting not to lose is that same thing as fighting, no matter what you have to do, to win.

You want to bake cookies, sit around a campfire, and sing songs with the enemy thinking it does any good. You kick their ass to the point that they think 'what's going to happen to me next time if (fill in the blank) happened this time and they won't come back. Maybe you enjoy the U.S. fighting the "nice" way. I prefent to put the feat of God, or in the case of Iraq Allah, in them.

We've tried it the way you soft hearted pussies want it. Let's fight to win.
I wasn't aware that Hitler was after your father's money and power. Can you prove that startling assertion?

Responded to question about asking a ww2 vet. thanks for being an asshole. Yes, he was after all the power and wealth. he wanted to rule it all. Like Trump.

Here's your claim:

War is about money. It is a racket that makes money for the few and spend lives to make it.

Please point out the text in the two articles you linked to that supports that contention, especially since you generalized and seem to be asserting that every war was about money and was a racket that makes money for the few.

I'll understand if you can't.