How to describe God.

I've been working on something and need some outside opinion.

I believe our language is seriously lacking in words and ability to describe God, it may be more than just language it is also likely a limitation on our brain's ability to truly comprehend it. How would you describe God? Do you use a personification, like calling God a "him"? Do you refer to God as if a person? When he comes? He is watching? He is judging? He will punish? He approves/disapproves?

Do you believe God is omnipresent? Omnipotent? Is this world divided by things that have Gods presence and things that do not?
I believe God can be whatever you want God to be. After all, we created him/her in our image.
Jarod, as a practicing Christian who grew up with a dad that taught Sunday school and both parents active in the church (United Methodist)...people who actually behave like good Christians IRL...I can say that I dont feel that lack at all. Lots of definition, and a 'familiar, intimate' relationship with God, very different from the Catholic version where you seem to need intermediaries to communicate for you with God.

As a teen and adult, I did my own exploring and my impressions of God and his expectations may have diverged a little from my roots, but not all that much.
If there were a 'God' it would be so unlike us that, no, normal language wouldn't work, which is what they say about transcendental experience. Seems to me the mind could be better occupied with other projects.
God was never there to grant your every whim, in this life or the next.

No wine rivers tended to by your wench whilst you bath in the shade on a golden throne. . .

I object to this characterization. Heaven is sipping champagne in the shade while a handsome swain gives me a mani-pedi and any other spa treatment I demand.