How To Fix America's Corrupt Political System: Getting The Big Money Out Of Govt.

A platform tells us little since we all know much of a platform cannot be enacted no matter how hard they try. We need to see character, ability to think on his feet, honesty, temperament.........A platform is written at the national convention with an aim toward giving all the groups something to get their support.

Perhaps if you knew you would be held to it pols would have to take them more seriously. Ssz nd the convention does not set platforms for each candidate.
So now we dial back pandering at no extra charge !
It keeps getting better and better.
Character will be their history by the way.
An actual debate lets you know if they can think or only parrot.
Money isn't the problem; low IQ voters like you and dishonest corrupt professional politicians are the problem. Idiots like feels good bullshit that will do nothing to prevent further corruption of low IQ voters who believe they are entitled to other people's money.

If you think money doesn't control our politics today, consider only 'one' republican challenged the idiocy of Trump and his lies and he is no longer a republican. The rest are afraid of being challenged and it is the wealthy republican corporations, polluters, and ideologues who will support someone who supports their goals - good or evil. Republicans and Trump supporters are among the most naive voters today in America. They are being played and they actually sing along. Solutions are tough but public funding is the only primary answer and it is tough. But one has to give Trump credit, he and family benefit and his followers cheer. Odd huh. Imagine cheering what hurts you and your family?

Cadet Bone Spurs, as Illinois senator and Iraq war vet Tammy Duckworth calls Trump. "What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder
If you think money doesn't control our politics today, consider only 'one' republican challenged the idiocy of Trump and his lies and he is no longer a republican.

I clearly stated that "MONEY" isn't the real problem. Perhaps you should attempt to read and comprehend my remarks before you emotionally erupt? :rolleyes:

The rest are afraid of being challenged and it is the wealthy republican corporations, polluters, and ideologues who will support someone who supports their goals - good or evil.

Capitalism and liberty is not evil. The massive state full of faceless bureaucrats who think they know better what is good for society is. Wealth is also not the problem. The massive state full of faceless bureaucrats who wish to take that wealth and further their agendas are.

Republicans and Trump supporters are among the most naive voters today in America. They are being played and they actually sing along. Solutions are tough but public funding is the only primary answer and it is tough. But one has to give Trump credit, he and family benefit and his followers cheer. Odd huh. Imagine cheering what hurts you and your family?

That is your OPINION. Your OPINION is lacking in intelligence, honesty and coherency. The one's being played are fools who think BIGGER Government run by Fascistic leaning morons who still believe that centralized planning using Marxism actually can work, are the greatest threat.

Cadet Bone Spurs, ......

There isn't a good reason to read on when you start your post with an incoherent strawman meme. ;)
Lobby away. Plead your case, demonstrate the volume of those who agree with you.
Just cant give money to candidates.

That makes no sense. How does one promote one's agenda if they cannot support the candidate they want? Do you actually believe we can have elections without advertising the candidates and their positions?

That is a naive proposition.
Nearly everyone I know agrees that the US government is corrupt and bought off by big money.

The problem is that it is legal.

We need to fix that.

But how?

Most people think there is nothing we can do about it because Congress would never vote to cut off it's own gravy train. It's true that the current Congress would not do that, but we can replace them with people who will. And that's how we fix it. First, we need to make an issue out of it.

Here is how it works:

Here is the actual text of the Act:

The American Anti-Corruption Act

Here's a link to the Anti-Corruption Act Website where you can find out how to be a part of this historical event in our nation's history:


More info:


Let's DO THIS!

Political contributions and lobbing= legal corruption.
That makes no sense. How does one promote one's agenda if they cannot support the candidate they want? Do you actually believe we can have elections without advertising the candidates and their positions?

That is a naive proposition.

How ? "Senator, i have here 100,000 signatures of your constituants who are deeply concerned with fill-in-the-blank and would love to vote for you if you will support their views in the Senate by submitting this legislation."
Votes get you elected not money.
How ? "Senator, i have here 100,000 signatures of your constituants who are deeply concerned with fill-in-the-blank and would love to vote for you if you will support their views in the Senate by submitting this legislation."
Votes get you elected not money.

One cannot get elected without name recognition. One cannot get name recognition without advertising. Advertising costs money. ;)
Hello Trumpet,

Political contributions and lobbing= legal corruption.

This is the first idea to end corruption I ever thought would really work.

Totally worth a lot of us sending these people a few $.

Seriously, in the long run? It would probably pay back hundreds of times over.

This legalized political corruption? That's part of the class war. All these big money organizations that get political favors? They're not doing that for smilies. That money is an investment, and usually those investments pay off big time. The pay-off comes out of all of our pockets.

This is war.

Class war.

That's what it is.

Legalized corruption is the number one weapon in the Class War, and it's why the Super-Rich Class has already won.

Finally we have a way to take that away from them.

And that is so exciting.

What an encouraging future for America!