How to make a MAC

Buy the shittiest Dell you can find.

Paint it white and install OSX.

Burn 1000 dollars after the fact.
How to make a Dell:

1) Buy a cheap Mac on eBay
2) Rip out the motherboard, the drives and the cards and sell them on eBay
3) Install the cheapest Taiwanese mo-bo you can find
4) Install the cheapest, slowest IDE HD you can find
5) Do not install a graphics card: use the crappy shared memory video on the motherboard
6) Install as many different cards from different manufacturers as you can. Throw away all documentation -- it's probably in Korean anyway.
7) Use as doorstop
How to make a Dell:

1) Buy a cheap Mac on eBay
2) Rip out the motherboard, the drives and the cards and sell them on eBay
3) Install the cheapest Taiwanese mo-bo you can find
4) Install the cheapest, slowest IDE HD you can find
5) Do not install a graphics card: use the crappy shared memory video on the motherboard
6) Install as many different cards from different manufacturers as you can. Throw away all documentation -- it's probably in Korean anyway.
7) Use as doorstop

thats funny... not even close... either of you

i dont get why people are so posseive over their perfered OS... it rediculess and shows that you are more of a fanboy then anything else.

both are vary good, althought i would use a windows oc over a mac for just about anything, that dosnt mean that mac's are pices of crap, they arnt they are just as versitile as any windows pc and vise versa.
thats funny... not even close... either of you

i dont get why people are so posseive over their perfered OS... it rediculess and shows that you are more of a fanboy then anything else.

both are vary good, althought i would use a windows oc over a mac for just about anything, that dosnt mean that mac's are pices of crap, they arnt they are just as versitile as any windows pc and vise versa.
LOL! I just thought it was so . . . Eighties to still be arguing over that I couldn't resist. Nostalgia, I suppose.

I use both because I have to. I prefer the Mac for my personal business because I prefer the Aqua interface and am willing to pay for the generally higher quality of the hardware components. It's entirely a matter of preference though: the days when the Mac had a clear technological advantage are long over.
LOL! I just thought it was so . . . Eighties to still be arguing over that I couldn't resist. Nostalgia, I suppose.

I use both because I have to. I prefer the Mac for my personal business because I prefer the Aqua interface and am willing to pay for the generally higher quality of the hardware components. It's entirely a matter of preference though: the days when the Mac had a clear technological advantage are long over.

i think both are great, and their competivness only helps the consummer.

i guess i just get sick of the argument... i think i hear it about 2-3 time a week.
i think both are great, and their competivness only helps the consummer.

i guess i just get sick of the argument... i think i hear it about 2-3 time a week.
I like both platforms. I do spend extra money for higher quality hardware for my own computers. And I love they way that they currently are so easy to network. Both platforms are well-made.
I use HP equipment almost exclusively now.
I have had good luck with their equip over the years.

Got a nice HP laptop a while back duo core processor, 160 gig HD gig of ram 17 inch widescreen, dvd burner, etc $520

PC hardware is the only thing I can think of that has gotten both better and cheaper.
I use HP equipment almost exclusively now.
I have had good luck with their equip over the years.

Got a nice HP laptop a while back duo core processor, 160 gig HD gig of ram 17 inch widescreen, dvd burner, etc $520

PC hardware is the only thing I can think of that has gotten both better and cheaper.

most of my servers are hp or compaq's, i also use dell... on that note i dont understand what it is people have aginst dell, they have sold me everything i have asked for and they have stood behind thier products.

the one i stay away from is gateway, nothing but crap up and down, their products, their support all the worst i have ever delt with.
One thing awesome about Dell is they don't negate your warrantees and let you work on your own PC. They'll send you a HD for instance and simply allow you to install it yourself, they'll even help you over the phone if you don't know how all while still gauranteeing the original product and the new HD you were just sent.
I use HP equipment almost exclusively now.
I have had good luck with their equip over the years.

Got a nice HP laptop a while back duo core processor, 160 gig HD gig of ram 17 inch widescreen, dvd burner, etc $520

PC hardware is the only thing I can think of that has gotten both better and cheaper.

actuly now that i think about it, i have an old hp at home that the power suppluy just died, its a great pc, well kinda, i was stupid when i bought it... well maybe i still am but anyway, it was one of the original P4, i has the 426 chipset gerrrr, and uses rambus ram (exspensive) but the thing still works like a champ, just picked up a new power supply today $40... not bad. man that thing has got to be around 7-8 years old if not older
One thing awesome about Dell is they don't negate your warrantees and let you work on your own PC. They'll send you a HD for instance and simply allow you to install it yourself, they'll even help you over the phone if you don't know how all while still gauranteeing the original product and the new HD you were just sent.

vary true... i got a notebook from em recently, they shipped it with the wrong EVDO card and they sent the right one out next day and free of charge, made me happy. they my not use the best hardware out their, but they dont use the worst, and if ou have problems they get on it like flys on shit
most of my servers are hp or compaq's, i also use dell... on that note i dont understand what it is people have aginst dell, they have sold me everything i have asked for and they have stood behind thier products.

the one i stay away from is gateway, nothing but crap up and down, their products, their support all the worst i have ever delt with.

yeah I have one gateway my company gave me, ok but slooow.
Need to change out the slow hard drive.

I stripped out the gateway version of windows and it helped some.
yeah I have one gateway my company gave me, ok but slooow.
Need to change out the slow hard drive.

I stripped out the gateway version of windows and it helped some.

we used to buy all gateway's here at work... i could write about 3-4 page's of complaints i have for gateway... they used to be good, but they fell of like a ton of bricks, it got relly bad when they bought out eMachines and started selling retail
Bottom Line..............

Boys and girls...use what you can afford...unless ya are a Gates family member...well we are all updates and systems are a game big boys I could care less...Internet is just for fun when ya retire...I feel your pain though...or not..:)
actuly now that i think about it, i have an old hp at home that the power suppluy just died, its a great pc, well kinda, i was stupid when i bought it... well maybe i still am but anyway, it was one of the original P4, i has the 426 chipset gerrrr, and uses rambus ram (exspensive) but the thing still works like a champ, just picked up a new power supply today $40... not bad. man that thing has got to be around 7-8 years old if not older
My favorite Mac -- which I now call Frankenstein's Macintosh because it's been upgraded so many times and has parts from so many models -- is now almost nine years old. I will give it up only when I absolutely have to. :)
My favorite Mac -- which I now call Frankenstein's Macintosh because it's been upgraded so many times and has parts from so many models -- is now almost nine years old. I will give it up only when I absolutely have to. :)

Yeah -Yeah..'Big Mac' is your fav...hold the fries and i am a oldies dude...I remember 'Bobs Big Boy' but you youngin's think ya have the 'Bull' by the horn...I am laughing from hysteria...yeah ya were your dreams....LIKE YA BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT...I THINK NOT...! Tis funny though!:p