You already said you didn't want to bet. Now you say you do.

Provide the proof. You keep saying you have something you haven't proven. When I called you one it, you said you would bet but . . . You lost your chance when you failed to be a man and prove it when asked the first 100 times to do so.
Bet me $10,000 klan boy
You don't have it
you lying about what the people want isn't a debate idiot

You said the founders designed the system.

Why wouldn't a bunch of freeloading poor leeches think they should get something for nothing. They don't pay into the pot but want out of it. Fuck them and it doesn't matter what happens to them.
Hyperbole at its worst.

people will be paid for their work, and services, there just should not be profits connected to medical care, quality care should be available to all, not just those who can avoids it!

You don't know the meaning of hyperbole, nor do you understand the argument. You don't think health care is a right. You think it's something OTHER people should pay for.

And as far as the profits connected to medical care, YOU'RE A FUCKING LIAR. If you actually BLAMED the true price gougers, you would be screaming for them to be hauled before a Senate Committee to explain a million dollar heart attack, the way that bunch of pontificating assholes hauls an oil company exec up every time gasoline goes up 10 cents a gallon. You'd also want those who charge $1700 for an MRI (which doesn't even take a fucking 20 minutes) to be hauled before that same committee to explain THAT price gouging.

But instead you want those of us who are in good health and have good jobs to PAY FOR THE HEALTH CARE OF OTHERS. That makes you a looter and a hypocrite.
The best thing we could do for health care in america is to ban insurance whether private or medicare or medicaid. When a third party pays two things happen

1. Neither doctor nor patient fights for lower prices

2. Fraud is everywhere.

Get rid of health insurance and health care costs would be 1/10th of what they are now. 60 years ago most americans did NOT have health insurance and health care was just fine.

Interestingly enough, health care was fine and affordable from 1911 to 1964, and we had health insurance. What changed in 64 was the advent of Medicare.

"Medicare" was the name originally given to a program providing medical care for families of individuals serving in the military as part of the Dependents' Medical Care Act passed in 1956.[5] President Eisenhower held the first White House Conference on Aging in January of 1961, in which the creation of a program of health care for social security beneficiaries was proposed.[6] In July 1965,[7] under the leadership of President Lyndon Johnson, Congress enacted Medicare under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide health insurance to people age 65 and older, regardless of income or medical history.[8] Before Medicare's creation, approximately 65% of those over 65 had health insurance, with coverage often unavailable or unaffordable to the rest, because older adults paid more than three times as much for health insurance as younger people. In 1966, Medicare spurred the racial integration of thousands of waiting rooms, hospital floors, and physician practices by making payments to health care providers conditional on desegregation.[9]
they had to FORCE them treat black people

Now tell us how great and affordable it was for black people?

My insurance is provided by my employer at no costs to me. That's what happens when, unlike you, someone provides a worthwhile set of skills. My max out of pocket annually is $750. Anything that would mess that up for ME is unacceptable.
The best thing we could do for health care in america is to ban insurance whether private or medicare or medicaid. When a third party pays two things happen

1. Neither doctor nor patient fights for lower prices

2. Fraud is everywhere.

Get rid of health insurance and health care costs would be 1/10th of what they are now. 60 years ago most americans did NOT have health insurance and health care was just fine.

Prove health care costs would be 1/10th of what they are now if we didn't have insurance.

60 years ago, most Americans were fine because Doctors cared more about healing the sick and injured, not owning that third vacation property in S Florida.
Prove health care costs would be 1/10th of what they are now if we didn't have insurance.

60 years ago, most Americans were fine because Doctors cared more about healing the sick and injured, not owning that third vacation property in S Florida.

60 years ago people didn't demand the government take care of them. Now, if some freeloader wants something that someone else had to do something to earn, you idiots think they deserve it.
Prove health care costs would be 1/10th of what they are now if we didn't have insurance.

60 years ago, most Americans were fine because Doctors cared more about healing the sick and injured, not owning that third vacation property in S Florida.

First of all, you're a FUCKING LIAR. There's no way you liberals are blaming doctors for the high costs of health care. I see your idiot liberal mugs coming a mile away.

Liberal Senate Democrats hauled oil company execs before a committee to grill them over a 20 cents increase in the price of gasoline. NO ONE hauled a doctor before a committee to make him explain a MILLION DOLLAR heart attack.

NO liberal Senate Democrats hauled ONE hospital administrator before a committee to grill him on $100 per Advil, $600 per bed.

NO liberal Senate Democrats hauled ONE college dean before a committee to grill him on a HALF A MILLION DOLLAR COST IN STUDENT LOANS TO BE A DOCTOR.


And how did the KENYAN SHOESHINE BOY punish them? He gave them a HUGE transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class in HIGHER PREMIUMS, YOU FUCKING MORON.

Shut the fuck up, bitch. You have NO fucking idea what you're talking about.
My insurance is provided by my employer at no costs to me. That's what happens when, unlike you, someone provides a worthwhile set of skills. My max out of pocket annually is $750. Anything that would mess that up for ME is unacceptable.

Here's the thing: It IS at a cost to you. That group policy provided to you is PART OF YOUR PAY. If it is the cost of hiring you, it is PART OF YOUR PAY. The fact that you don't have to write the check for the HUGE amount your employer is paying does not negate the fact that it is YOUR money.