Florida is klan heaven with mullettes.

I saw a lot of mullets in your neck of the bayou...lots of Confederate flag stickers on trucks, too.
Florida is klan heaven with mullettes.
I saw a lot of mullets in your neck of the bayou...lots of Confederate flag stickers on trucks, too.
You live mongering poor retards, noticing them would be constant for ya.
the only thing I think we can make sense of is that the race pimps wanted their narrative no matter what. Doesn't matter the guy is going to jail for the rest of his fucking life. LOL. I mean jesus christ what the fuck is it that will sedate these charlatans.
What happened is he probably shouldn't have been charged with murder 1. If he was charged with straight up murder 2 they would have gotten the conviction easily. Him being mistried on that count doesn't mean that black people can't get a fair shake, it means that the jury couldn't decide between 2 charges that both would have called him a murderer regardless. The jury also explicity asked if the other charges would still stand, so the jury was probably like "ok we can't decide on 1 and 2, but with these multiple attempted murder convictions, we are sending the guy up the creek anyway. Lets go home"
Since there was no gun found, I think the guy should be tried for murder 1. The prosecutir is being reported to be the same head that lost against Zimmerman. So, like Zimmerman, I think the whole thing smells.
Since there was no gun found, I think the guy should be tried for murder 1. The prosecutir is being reported to be the same head that lost against Zimmerman. So, like Zimmerman, I think the whole thing smells.
Nine burn there.Irony abounds.
Do you even know what the definitions of "in cold blood" or "premeditated" are; or are you just firmly nailing your foot to the floor and ignoring logic?
Second degree murder is automatically included as is manslaughter on a first degree murder charge in Florida.
If you are guilty of first the you are guilty of second and then some. There would have been no reason for the jury to comeback with a mistrial if some felt he was guilty of first and others second. They would have been deadlocked on first and unanimous on second.
Btw, premeditated killing, according to Florida jury instructions, means killing after deciding to do so. It does not require that you lie in wait or have some well devised plan.
Planned with malicious or cruel intent.
That must have applied somewhere to the case or he would not have been charged with murder 1. My opinion is that he should have been convicted of it because he assailed the car with the stereo. Had he just remained in his car pissed off, or moved, or even went into the store to find his fiance', none of it would have happened. I really don't think politics is involved. What I think is that tis is another example (not to get off track) of how CCW is not such a good idea. No gun, no crime. I am not advocating gun control: I am advocating that there are people, as in this case, who perhaps should not have CCW.
I think that Dunn should be retried under murder 1 as this is the best thing that happen to remind those hot tempered people with guns. I sort of view it like getting tough on drunk driving; right vs privilege, there is a choice to make in both instances.
Most CCW holders are law-abiding citizens. In fact they are a much higher percentage of law-abiders than the population at large.
Then show where it was PLANNED.
And you never did give a definition of premeditated.
You have openly admitted to posters here that you routinely cheat on your taxes.
Then show where it was PLANNED.
And you never did give a definition of premeditated.
Second degree murder is automatically included as is manslaughter on a first degree murder charge in Florida.
If you are guilty of first the you are guilty of second and then some. There would have been no reason for the jury to comeback with a mistrial if some felt he was guilty of first and others second. They would have been deadlocked on first and unanimous on second.
Btw, premeditated killing, according to Florida jury instructions, means killing after deciding to do so. It does not require that you lie in wait or have some well devised plan.
I encluded both defintions in one sentence . . . Secondly; I have to show anything about it: the DA obviously thought it was planned with cruelty or a muder 1 charge would not have gone to trial. I think Dunn did it in cold blood and with prejudice based on his pejorative comments about thug music.
Usf is a stupid troll. The law defines a premeditated killing as simply having decided to kill.
You can find the standard jury instructions linked here.