How To Save America

Hello cawacko,

I am not advocating to restrict any freedom of speech.

I am saying that hurtful speech should be ignored.

Why do we have to dwell on such mundane nonsense?

We have more important things to talk about.

I don't really see this as mundane nonsense. You're talking about arguably the number one comedian in this country in Chappelle and a new special that has generated tremendous viewership and there has been LOTS written about whether he is promoting hate (or in his brilliant way opening our eyes even further to racial inequality in this country).

You want to talk about hate, this special and the discussion about it is front and center right now.
Hello cawacko,

I don't really see this as mundane nonsense. You're talking about arguably the number one comedian in this country in Chappelle and a new special that has generated tremendous viewership and there has been LOTS written about whether he is promoting hate (or in his brilliant way opening our eyes even further to racial inequality in this country).

You want to talk about hate, this special and the discussion about it is front and center right now.

I'll check it out.

Thanks for the heads up.
OK, it sounds like Chappelle is just taking a cheap shot at a group because it's a hot button issue guaranteed to get him attention.

I see that as no better than what Trump does, He is capitalizing on hatred. It's bad for America. I won't listen to him.

"Dana White, from True Colors Unite, which helps combat youth homelessness with a focus on LGBTQ, said, "Nothing Dave Chappelle says changes the facts that trans women are women, trans men are men, non-binary people are non-binary, that LGBTQ+ people should live free of harm and discrimination. He is wrong. And Netflix has empowered him to be wrong loudly.""

Dave Chappelle faces backlash over new Netflix special 'ridiculing trans people'
What Chappelle did was in poor taste. Some will use such encouragement as justification for physical attacks on people they hate because of their own insecurities.
America is in trouble.

We are strongly divided; and hatred overshadows voices of reason.

We are so bitterly divided that we are unable to properly address some of our most pressing issues.

The country languishes as dangers grow.

Russia would like to destroy America. We make Putin look bad. Putin is a very corrupt and greedy strongman. Russian society is not doing very well, and it hurts Putin for them to see America doing better. Putin cannot continue his greed very easily if Russians see American success. Putin needs to hurt America, throw America into turmoil, so Putin can tell his people they are better off than Americans, that freedom doesn't work.

Putin knows he cannot physically attack America. Our defense is too strong. The world would condemn him if he tried an attack.

But Putin doesn't need to attack America if he can get America to attack itself.

And that is exactly what he is doing through the internet and social media.

We are all Americans on the left and on the right. Sure, we see things differently, but we all really want the same things. We just want to be happy, prosperous, secure and free.

The problem for the American right is that truly conservative views are losing popularity.

There are not enough true conservatives to win elections any more.

That is why Republicans have moved toward supporting the voice of hatred. Hatred motivates shallow thinkers to vote.

But hatred also motivates people to cheat. It is a loss of morality. Hating is not moral.

If the right thinks winning elections on the basis of hatred is a good idea, it has another thing coming. Building power based on hatred cannot end well.

If conservatives truly believe conservative leadership is best, then the proper and moral way to realize that vision is to convince people that conservative views are best.

Accepting hatred as a means to power will not end well.

We have got to reduce hatred, control hatred, put hatred in it's proper place.

The American left and the American right are not enemies. We are fellow citizens.

Do not spread hatred. Do not accept hatred. Hatred is not the way to save America.

Dialog. Respect. Working on issues together. That is how we save America.

Rediscover American unity. That is how we save America.

What a farce to build power by using hatred and division in the UNITED States of America.

That makes a mockery of our very name.

we have been here before and survived.
How to save America:
One: Aggressively prosecute every insurrectionist who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Two: Aggressively prosecute Trump for financial crimes.
Pollyanna is still having delusions about the United States being "united"

and also about Vlad being any significant reason to cite about why we're not.

Jesus fucking Christ, this guy is delusional beyond being minimally functional.
I always thought it would be a good thing when true conservative voices became so few that liberals could overwhelm them in elections.

I totally underestimated the rise of hatred in America.

Part of the reason for that was I didn't anticipate the effect of capitalism on spreading hatred.

There is big money to be made by spreading hatred.

Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, etc, etc, etc...............

The actions of these people are extremely anti-America.

But they sure make a lot of money.

Their greed exceeds their loyalty as Americans.