How to spend One Billion $ (except on the needy and the team that helped you earn it)

I never understand true Socialists, after seeing the system fail again and again they still trudge on regardless of the reality. It's like they stare at their collective Belly Button, swallow their tail, and then say, "This time it will work because I'll be part of it and we'll tweak it in some small way!"

Because they employ cognitive dissonance and tell themselves that it wasn't really socialism that failed, it was just implemented poorly. You have to understand the true psyche of a lefty which differs from you and me. Where you and I see human nature and accept it for what it is with all of its imperfections, lefties see human nature as something to changed and molded into their own image. They are convinced of their own moral and intellectual superiority which is why you hear them make claims like "they are voting against their own interests". To a lefty, you aren't merely wrong, you are immoral and vile and lack compassion if you don't accept their proscriptive solutions for dealing with lifes challenges.

Once you understand the mind of a lefty as I do, the rest is really simple.
I never understand true Socialists, after seeing the system fail again and again they still trudge on regardless of the reality. It's like they stare at their collective Belly Button, swallow their tail, and then say, "This time it will work because I'll be part of it and we'll tweak it in some small way!"

Its very easy to understand; it is because they don't "think", they "emote." It is what makes them feel good.

They actually believe, regardless of the mountain of evidence to the contrary, that such programs are necessary and arrogantly presume that people are too stupid to survive without the benevolence of well intended Government programs by well meaning Government "deciders" and "arbiters" of what is fair; but ironically and hypocritically, government can only be good if it is THEIR "deciders" who are in charge.
Because they employ cognitive dissonance and tell themselves that it wasn't really socialism that failed, it was just implemented poorly. You have to understand the true psyche of a lefty which differs from you and me. Where you and I see human nature and accept it for what it is with all of its imperfections, lefties see human nature as something to changed and molded into their own image. They are convinced of their own moral and intellectual superiority which is why you hear them make claims like "they are voting against their own interests". To a lefty, you aren't merely wrong, you are immoral and vile and lack compassion if you don't accept their proscriptive solutions for dealing with lifes challenges.

Once you understand the mind of a lefty as I do, the rest is really simple.

BINGO on the bolded part. ;)
I never understand true Socialists, after seeing the system fail again and again they still trudge on regardless of the reality. It's like they stare at their collective Belly Button, swallow their tail, and then say, "This time it will work because I'll be part of it and we'll tweak it in some small way!"

They are the living epitome of the No True Scotsman.
I never understand true Socialists, after seeing the system fail again and again they still trudge on regardless of the reality.

“Occasionally socialist stumble across the truth, but they quickly pick themselves up, brush themselves off then scurry along as though nothing had happened.” (Sr. Winston Churchill paraphrased & revised)
I never understand true Socialists, after seeing the system fail again and again they still trudge on regardless of the reality. It's like they stare at their collective Belly Button, swallow their tail, and then say, "This time it will work because I'll be part of it and we'll tweak it in some small way!"

Hmm. Sure, that's some socialists. But the better ones tend to look favorably upon those "failures".
wow Damo that sounds just like what unfettered caplitalist fools do

keep saying "oh they just didn't deregulate enough" whenever their ideas fail right in everyones face.

Both are historically failed ideas
Hmm. Sure, that's some socialists. But the better ones tend to look favorably upon those "failures".

As an experiment to be perfected?

Or a success tgat was curtailed by circumsrance?

Or as a legacy that haunts the history books?
I always did like that quote. Depends on our definisiton of socialism though....

Socialism is everything imagined, legislated and enforced by a political collective body that regulates, intrudes on and bribes the market place. True capitalism is a self-regulating system of economy that needs only minimal social regulation within the confines of the Constitution as loyally promoted and enforced by constitutionalist courts and the judges therewith.

There can never be such a thing as “To Big To Fail.” True capitalism would never allow it because failure is the self-regulation of true capitalism.

In a BIG socialist BIG government environment we get the absurdities of Dodd/Frank, when in all sanity all we need is a constitutional amendment limiting the economic size and scope of every individual capital/moneyed institution.
Worship and envy are two different things.

Capitalism is constructed on the premise that most people will strive to maximize their potential with means they worship money, because in Capitlalism, capital, that is money. is the goal. Money is what is sought. Capitalism is all about the accumulation of capital. Those known as capitalists are the people who have accumulated the most capital; the rest are simply strivers. Those who excel certainly worship money!
Putting aside your failure in mathematics, the other false premise contained here is this notion that poverty is caused by greed and that by throwing money at it, it would end poverty.

We have spent trillions over five decades on well intentioned Liberal attempts to fight poverty; yet they haven't ended poverty.

This is the problem with Liberals; they don't "think", the "emote".

Prove that we have spent "trillions" fighting poverty!
Capitalism is constructed on the premise that most people will strive to maximize their potential with means they worship money, because in Capitlalism, capital, that is money. is the goal. Money is what is sought. Capitalism is all about the accumulation of capital. Those known as capitalists are the people who have accumulated the most capital; the rest are simply strivers. Those who excel certainly worship money!

Those who excel worship money? Their social function is to accumulate it, but I wouldn't use the word worship.