How to teach English Literature

It was banned by a lot of school districts.

By wokesters.

"More recent versions of "Lord of the Flies" have modified some of the language in the book, but the novel originally used racist terms, particularly when referring to Black people. Bullying is rampant throughout the book—indeed, it is one of the main plot lines. Many people also think that the book promotes a pro-slavery ideology, which they note is the wrong message to teach children."
The irony of being angry about the Harry Potter books while it's okay to teach the Bible stories is lost on them.
By wokesters.

"More recent versions of "Lord of the Flies" have modified some of the language in the book, but the novel originally used racist terms, particularly when referring to Black people. Bullying is rampant throughout the book—indeed, it is one of the main plot lines. Many people also think that the book promotes a pro-slavery ideology, which they note is the wrong message to teach children."


No not by wokesters, fucktard. By conservatives that don't want stories of naked little boys being mandatory in the school system.

They're all white..well mostly.. no racism found.
In the midst of a raging war, a plane evacuating a group of schoolboys from Britain is shot down over a deserted tropical island. Two of the boys, Ralph and Piggy, discover a conch shell on the beach, and Piggy realizes it could be used as a horn to summon the other boys. Once assembled, the boys set about electing a leader and devising a way to be rescued. They choose Ralph as their leader, and Ralph appoints another boy, Jack, to be in charge of the boys who will hunt food for the entire group.
How did Simon die? He found out it was a dead parachute dude, and it doesn't say anybody killed him?
Fuck this! Bitch is worse than Lewis Caroll on drugs.

Buncha bullshit.

Too deep now. I know I'm not gonna like this.
Oh damn! Jack and friends killed him.. Yeah, they're the leftists. Minus the ability to hunt and feed people.
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Jack and his "hunters" kill Simon and Piggy like a pack of wild dogs for nothing just before they get rescued. :/


I give this book some fingers!

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