How Trump Fleeced His Own Dumbass Supporters



The ones who reported it to the police

You know the people who’s rent check bounced because of that monthly withdrawal they didnt know was being stolen from them
Get it through your left-wing mind. If I spend 50 bucks on political donations per election cycle, 1) it's on less than 5 candidates 2) I have to REALLY like those candidates, and 3) It's never on a presidential candidate because you can ALWAYS get all the information you need by watching one debate between the final nominees. Yes, Trump said he was self-financing his FIRST campaign, I heard nothing of the sort for his 2nd. So I ain't your huckleberry for this one, my wallet is safe. Let him go. He fulfilled the terms of YOUR contract, you basically said he could live in your head, rent free, for at least 4 years. He moved out almost 4 months ago! Vote for him in '24 and invite him back if you miss him so much!


Get it through your left-wing mind. If I spend 50 bucks on political donations per election cycle, 1) it's on less than 5 candidates 2) I have to REALLY like those candidates, and 3) It's never on a presidential candidate because you can ALWAYS get all the information you need by watching one debate between the final nominees. Yes, Trump said he was self-financing his FIRST campaign, I heard nothing of the sort for his 2nd. So I ain't your huckleberry for this one, my wallet is safe. Let him go. He fulfilled the terms of YOUR contract, you basically said he could live in your head, rent free, for at least 4 years. He moved out almost 4 months ago! Vote for him in '24 and invite him back if you miss him so much!

If the allegations are true, do you condone what he did?

Donald J. Trump Pays Court-Ordered $2 Million For Illegally Using Trump Foundation Funds

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement after Donald J. Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes:

“Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain. Charities are not a means to an end, which is why these damages speak to the president’s abuse of power and represent a victory for not-for-profits that follow the law. Funds have finally gone where they deserve — to eight credible charities. My office will continue to fight for accountability because no one is above the law — not a businessman, not a candidate for office, and not even the president of the United States.”
Stacy Blatt was in hospice care last September listening to Rush Limbaugh’s dire warnings about how badly Donald J. Trump’s campaign needed money when he went online and chipped in everything he could: $500.

It was a big sum for a 63-year-old battling cancer and living in Kansas City on less than $1,000 per month. But that single contribution — federal records show it was his first ever — quickly multiplied. Another $500 was withdrawn the next day, then $500 the next week and every week through mid-October, without his knowledge — until Mr. Blatt’s bank account had been depleted and frozen. When his utility and rent payments bounced, he called his brother, Russell, for help.

What the Blatts soon discovered was $3,000 in withdrawals by the Trump campaign in less than 30 days. They called their bank and said they thought they were victims of fraud.

A con man cult leader
If Trump takes money donated to his charity, it is OK. It had his name on it, making it his personally. So he paid his kid's membership with it and bought items at a charity auction using it. That is OK. Trump can do whatever he wants.
What ever happened to your upstairs tenant???????????????????????

Who would that be? Right now, it's biden. He's brought in a bean bag chair and a little TV to watch wheel of fortune, and he sits around all day trying to think of how he can take credit for all of Trump's accomplishments. Hunter drops by every once in awhile and they smoke some crack.
Get it through your left-wing mind. If I spend 50 bucks on political donations per election cycle, 1) it's on less than 5 candidates 2) I have to REALLY like those candidates, and 3) It's never on a presidential candidate because you can ALWAYS get all the information you need by watching one debate between the final nominees. Yes, Trump said he was self-financing his FIRST campaign, I heard nothing of the sort for his 2nd. So I ain't your huckleberry for this one, my wallet is safe. Let him go. He fulfilled the terms of YOUR contract, you basically said he could live in your head, rent free, for at least 4 years. He moved out almost 4 months ago! Vote for him in '24 and invite him back if you miss him so much!

It'll be hard for him to run from a prison cell, Mrs. Bubbles.

Please stop showing up here drunk.
Who would that be? Right now, it's biden. He's brought in a bean bag chair and a little TV to watch wheel of fortune, and he sits around all day trying to think of how he can take credit for all of Trump's accomplishments. Hunter drops by every once in awhile and they smoke some crack.

I was implying that you've got an empty room upstairs.
one of my favorites is the other day when the orange fuck commandeered that wedding ceremony at Mara Fatso, ranted about Biden stealing the election for 15 minutes and ignored the bride and groom.......classic

Everything is about him to Trump. Nobody else exists or matters. That is why fleecing his donors is fine. If they gave him their financial information, their money belongs to him.
April 3, 2021 at 1:20 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

New York Times: “Facing a cash crunch and getting badly outspent by the Democrats, the campaign had begun last September to set up recurring donations by default for online donors, for every week until the election. Contributors had to wade through a fine-print disclaimer and manually uncheck a box to opt out.”

“As the election neared, the Trump team made that disclaimer increasingly opaque, an investigation by The New York Times showed. It introduced a second prechecked box, known internally as a ‘money bomb,’ that doubled a person’s contribution. Eventually its solicitations featured lines of text in bold and capital letters that overwhelmed the opt-out language.”

“The tactic ensnared scores of unsuspecting Trump loyalists — retirees, military veterans, nurses and even experienced political operatives. Soon, banks and credit card companies were inundated with fraud complaints from the president’s own supporters about donations they had not intended to make, sometimes for thousands of dollars.”

we already knew these low-rent teahicks were freaking idiots but this takes the cake

how many of these pathetic saps ended up getting evicted?

Perfectly in character.
Who would that be? Right now, it's biden. He's brought in a bean bag chair and a little TV to watch wheel of fortune, and he sits around all day trying to think of how he can take credit for all of Trump's accomplishments. Hunter drops by every once in awhile and they smoke some crack.

Trump never had any accomplishments, he's an asshole who won't run again as much as I would like to see the loser lose again.
Who would that be? Right now, it's biden. He's brought in a bean bag chair and a little TV to watch wheel of fortune, and he sits around all day trying to think of how he can take credit for all of Trump's accomplishments. Hunter drops by every once in awhile and they smoke some crack.

Are you one of the jokers that got ripped-off by Trump??????????????????