How Weird Christian Right Beliefs Impact America

I'm still waiting to hear the weird Christian right beliefs.

Did you read the article?

The Bush administration appointed Eric Keroack to the deputy assistant secretary of population affairs within the Department of Health and Human Services despite, and probably because of, Keroack’s strong anti-choice beliefs. Keroack became famous for his presentation [10], prior to appointment, of his belief that women’s brains get flooded with oxytocin when they have premarital sex, which makes them less capable of falling in love. Prior to Keroack’s appointment, this bizarre theory, which has no scientific basis and is pure Christian right babble, wasn’t something you could find through Google, much less the mainstream media. But it not only was a guiding belief of Keroack’s, it has been a mainstay of the kind of abstinence-only programs that Bush administration policy mandated in so many schools across the country. It was a classic example of how a right-wing myth can become widely influential through PowerPoint presentations and pamphlets without ever touching the Internet, where prying eyes might see it.

Akin's theory that you can't get pregnant if raped?

That Syria is an indication of the end times?

Here are 10:

1) Same-sex marriage is an elaborate scheme concocted by lesbians to entrap men.
2) Planned Parenthood is trying to get kids "hooked" on sex.
3) Gay men wear special rings for the sole purpose of giving innocent straights HIV.
4) The abortion-mad Chinese eat human fetuses.
5) Crazed liberals in Illinois want to teach 5-year-olds how to have sex.
6) Obama is the Antichrist and plans to rule America by sharia law.
7) Charles Darwin took it all back the day he died.
8) JK Rowling is trying to lure your children into Satanism with her Harry Potter books.
9) Pro-choicers in Texas were planning to pelt the state senate with jars of feces.
10) Birth control pill turns your uterus into a grave littered with teeny-weeny corpses of fully formed babies.
Ah yes, the tired old leftist mantra that argues that only Republicans and Christians make whacked out statements.

Another moronic thread wasting bandwidth so the children of JPP can play in the schoolyard and hurl insults at each other. :rolleyes: