How White Victimhood Fuels Republican Politics

Why do liberals fight against/vote against minority Republicans for office then? The answer to me is ideology trumps race but if your argument is white people need to see more minorities in office, and liberals desire more minorities in office, then how do you justify it?

The most important way to judge a politician is how he or she will vote in office. We go beyond color. You may not know you can do that, but you can. A minority Repub will still work for the wealthy and corporate power.
The most important way to judge a politician is how he or she will vote in office. We go beyond color. You may not know you can do that, but you can. A minority Repub will still work for the wealthy and corporate power.

Low key Nordberg, don't lecture me. Don't come at me like you're some woke sh*t. (in fact saying we can go beyond color is actually pretty unwoke)

This is what I responded to that Guno posted: In other words, for a “post-racial” America to exist, white people would need to see people of color ascending to higher political offices and an increasingly multiracial nation as a win for all of America.

Notice it didn't say only liberal minorities? And notice it says (all) white people. So you aren't exempt. And disagreeing with their politics isn't an excuse.
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What "overt racism toward people of color"? Give examples.

Was it the record low black unemployment he ushered in that was racism toward people of color? The prison reform he pushed, in an attempt to undo some of the damage Crazy Joe's 90s policies did?

A primer for you:

And do stop repeating Trump lies:
Am an atheist, and I am of Indian descent, with skin darker than most African Americans in the US.

Nice double fail.

And your third strike is your link, which literally has fucking nothing to do with Trump, and doesn't even mention him.

What a fucktard you are.

You have a plethora of East Indians who DO NOT equate themselves on any level with Black Americans, let alone Africans in general. They rode the British colonial train in second class, and set up quite nicely in parts of Africa (i.e., South Africa). This is why, crazy despot he was, Idi Amin Dada gave them the boot from Uganda when he took over "you came with the British, you will leave with the British".

Many people of East India descent keep a strong and/or strict adherence to old world culture...and that includes bigotry. So it's no surprise to me that you would parrot the SOS our MAGA minions mindlessly do. Thing is, taken to task with facts and logic you can sustain it. Carry on.
On Nov. 4, 2008, Barack Obama, then a senator from Illinois, was elected the first Black president of the United States. His election was seen as a hopeful moment in America and ushered in lots of think pieces and reporting that his presidency was the start of a new “post-racial” society. At long last — in the eyes of many, at least — there was hope that the racial wounds that have long divided Black and white Americans would heal.

Trump’s election killed any illusions anyone might have had about a “post-racial” America. Indeed, Trump was successful in finding a predominately white audience who lapped up his overt racism toward people of color and who were eager to embrace a rising sense of white victimhood.

Trump may be out of power, but those feelings aren’t. They may even be growing.

With President Biden having just passed one full year in office, public opinion research shows that white Americans — and especially Republicans — see whites as victims of discrimination more than, say, Hispanic or Black Americans.

“Black success beckons the mob.” There is a phenomenon Mitchell calls “know-your-place aggression” whereby U.S. culture celebrates the success of straight white men (regardless of their merit) but discourages, diminishes or destroys the achievements of members of other groups.

Fuck Obama and any "post-racial" bullshit. That motherfucker is an out-of-country racial divider from hell and a traitor to America.

No part of Obama is Black American.

That's why he started that "African-American" bullshit.

Because he IS African-American, yet Black Americans have the proud heritage of being here since before the country came to be, even.

There were free black slaveowners, free blacks throughout America's history. "The shot heard 'round the world" was because Crispus Atuucks got shot, and he was one of us.

And lemme tell ya: We started a war over that. True Story.

Obama's dad is a Kenyan Muslim and his mom came from some inbred crazy white American commies.

That's where he came from.

His family ain't been here for 5 generations like some of my black friends have.

They ain't no "Africa" bullshit after 5 generations, we're all in this thing together at that point. We come from the same place.

We've all been here that long and Obama has definitely not.

I know some African-Americans, they're white and speak Dutch.
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Silly assed little sound bites from you and that useful idiot Carlson. Pity it has no relation to reality, much less stand up to fact based scrutiny. Here's a little something for you and your hero to gnash your teeth about:

Feel free to shove off.

Aww, poor widdle MAGA parrot got his wings clipped with some FACTS that he can't disprove or discredit.

Go cry in your beer, toodles.
If we want to address the inequities that continue to plague and divide our society, white Americans — and in particular, white Republicans — will need to move away from the victimhood narrative and acknowledge our current reality. And the extent that the inequities can be muted or even mitigated depends heavily on what politicians choose to emphasize in the narratives that they construct about the state of our union. The success of minorities does not mean victimization for white Americans. Without recognition that we can all succeed — and that the nation will be better off for it — the patterns of disparities we have discussed throughout will continue to persist, and we will all be worse off for it.

Does any of that involve bitchslapping retarded online leftist shills like you?

If not, it seems to be lacking a certain something. I ain't no victim, and I'll kick your ass or worse if you get me wrong. I ain't the one.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Aww, poor widdle MAGA parrot got his wings clipped with some FACTS that he can't disprove or discredit.

Go cry in your beer, toodles.

Buckle Up Idiot!

What's that? Some veiled threat of things to come from your like minded brethren? Hmmm, another MAGA moron who called himself "Smarter Than You" would do the same thing for years when he couldn't logically or factually defend his position. January 6th settled his hash. Birds of a feather? :laugh: What a paper tiger!
What's that? Some veiled threat? Hmmm, another MAGA moron who called himself "Smarter Than You" would do the same thing for years when he couldn't logically or factually defend his position. Birds of a feather? :laugh: What a paper tiger!

Hawkeye is mentally ill. Nothing he says makes sense.
What's that? Some veiled threat of things to come from your like minded brethren? Hmmm, another MAGA moron who called himself "Smarter Than You" would do the same thing for years when he couldn't logically or factually defend his position. January 6th settled his hash. Birds of a feather? :laugh: What a paper tiger!

Didn't I hear that there is now a rule against lying like this?
Following Trump’s loss in 2020, the Republican Party leaned further into messages that paint Republicans and white people as victims of an overzealous movement for racial justice. For example, Fox News coverage of critical race theory — a decades-old framework for legal scholarship — surged during the Virginia gubernatorial campaign, according to a Newsweek analysis, only to quickly and starkly dip following Republican Glenn Youngkin’s win. And several pundits pointed to education and critical race theory as reasons for his success. Republicans have also found a seemingly successful political strategy in attacking and amplifying race-related buzzwords, such as “woke,” once used in activist circles. And as FiveThirtyEight contributors Hakeem Jefferson and Victor Ray pointed out on the anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, the current narratives of victimization and the associated backlash to racial progress are some white people’s way of reckoning with the changing times.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
What's that? Some veiled threat of things to come from your like minded brethren? Hmmm, another MAGA moron who called himself "Smarter Than You" would do the same thing for years when he couldn't logically or factually defend his position. January 6th settled his hash. Birds of a feather? What a paper tiger!

Didn't I hear that there is now a rule against lying like this?

You didn't make some sort of threat before? Then explain to the reading audience why I should "buckle up"?

You're copping to lying? Gee, you do it so often that I've lost count. Perhaps if you specify?

Go have another beer, toodles. It'll ease your pain and provide more entertainment for the rest of us.