How will Donald Trump pay the $438m he owes in penalties from civil trials?

Do you really think that any large bank doesn't do their own homework? How fucking stupid do you think banks are? They aren't going to just give Trump money because of what he put on a loan application. They will double check for themselves. And, they did and even told the court that. Didn't matter because the judge and prosecutor had already put the fix in and the outcome was pre-decided. It was a show trial.

Whatever dude. You're using mango's "no one was harmed" argument to make your case trump should get away with his fraud. Let's see if the appellate judges agree with you. I doubt they will. You act like trump is the only person who's ever been sued by the State of New York for this kind of fraud. You're just going to have to learn to accept life the way it is. If you want to operate in a State, you need to follow the rules. Trump is NOT being targeted unfairly or singled out. See the cases below:
Blue.states have the retards

Trump was a life long Democrat but knew when he ran for POTUS there was one group, so stupid, he could steal from them endlessly, while telling them he was a 'so rich he did not need their money' and that group has continued to send him their money, often times putting themselves in financial peril and not being able to pay their own bills.

Red State level of retard is such that you just have to say an election was stolen and a good percent will believe it. You just have to call Jan6th insurrectionists hostages, and they believe it.

They think of Trump as a Christ like figure sent to save people.

Your house is not even glass. Glass is too strong.
"The term "repeated" as used herein shall include repetition of any separate and distinct fraudulent or illegal act, or conduct which affects more than one person."

List the persons affected by Trump's repetition of separate and distinct fraudulent or illegal act or conduct

The people of the State of NY, you simpleton.

Again the 2007/8 mortgage fraud collapse was a fraud (NINJA loans) in 2006 and before even when almost everyone was making tons of money off it.

You are so dense you cannot recognize this point.

If firms are submitting NINJA loans, and the homeowner is happy to have the buyer as they bought the house at an inflated price. The bank is happy as they made money on the mortgages. The lawyers are happy as they made money papering it up. The Mortgage broker who wrote the fraudulent loan is happy as they got paid. The banks who bought the fraudulent paper and put it into MBS bundles is happy as they are paying and the market has not crashed yet, as it is not 2007/8 yet...


Your position that they have to leave the mortgage brokers to write fraudulent loans and submit them as long as the people are paying is functionally retarded but you keep repeating it, because you are painfully stupid.
Yakuda the Insurance Broker :

- Sure yes, i understand your honor that i have been charged as every single person i have got insurance for at rate they could not get anywhere else, was as a result of me lying about their status. I said young boys were actually older females to get lower rates. I said people with multiple accidents have no accidents. and so on. But your honor, none of my clients have got in an accident and they all paid their premiums. SO the Insurance companies did not lose money. No victims. So i should get to walk on these charges and be allowed to go back to writing fraudulent loans.


(Yakuda cannot comprehend how EVERYONE else paying in to the insurance pool is a victim even if his clients PAID their premiums, as they should have paid MORE.)
The people of the State of NY, you simpleton.

Again the 2007/8 mortgage fraud collapse was a fraud (NINJA loans) in 2006 and before even when almost everyone was making tons of money off it.

You are so dense you cannot recognize this point.

If firms are submitting NINJA loans, and the homeowner is happy to have the buyer as they bought the house at an inflated price. The bank is happy as they made money on the mortgages. The lawyers are happy as they made money papering it up. The Mortgage broker who wrote the fraudulent loan is happy as they got paid. The banks who bought the fraudulent paper and put it into MBS bundles is happy as they are paying and the market has not crashed yet, as it is not 2007/8 yet...


Your position that they have to leave the mortgage brokers to write fraudulent loans and submit them as long as the people are paying is functionally retarded but you keep repeating it, because you are painfully stupid.

Trump caused the collapse and made money off of it you retarded piece of dog shit? You're a raging idiot
Trump caused the collapse and made money off of it you retarded piece of dog shit? You're a raging idiot

I do not know what your post is supposed to be saying and i doubt you do either but i will again clarify...

It DOES NOT matter if there is no collapse. It does not matter if the people were making money. NYS and ANY STATE and Federal Gov't has every right to protect the systems from fraud being entered into it as that fraud adds RISK to the entire system.

If everyone is getting loans based on deliberate fraud, like Trump was, the entire system does not have the asset security it calculated it had, based on the filings.

You cannot keep saying 'but they made their monthly payments' as the defense.

If for instance your mortgage provider demands you get Life Insurance to get a mortgage but you cannot get any you can afford due to recent health issues you CANNOT simply change your medical information to show yourself healthy, get the insurance policy and then submit it to the bank, to get the mortgage. If the bank finds and Insurance company find out, it is STILL FRAUD, even if you made every payment, and the bank and insurance company both made money from you.

If you do not understand WHY that is still fraud to do, you are hopelessly stupid. Beyond reason.

So when Trump pays Cushman Wakefield to value 7 Springs for him, and they say '~$30MM' and Trump then walks across to the bank saying it is worth >$300M, and he lies saying it already has 7 mansions fully built and paid for, sitting on the land, when he has not even applied for and got a permit to build yet, and does not know if they will be approved, THAT IS FRAUD, even if he makes all monthly payments on the loan he got versus that property.

Again, if you read that and say 'he made the payments... no fraud' you are the reason for my signature.
I do not know what your post is supposed to be saying and i doubt you do either but i will again clarify...

It DOES NOT matter if there is no collapse. It does not matter if the people were making money. NYS and ANY STATE and Federal Gov't has every right to protect the systems from fraud being entered into it as that fraud adds RISK to the entire system.

If everyone is getting loans based on deliberate fraud, like Trump was, the entire system does not have the asset security it calculated it had, based on the filings.

You cannot keep saying 'but they made their monthly payments' as the defense.

If for instance your mortgage provider demands you get Life Insurance to get a mortgage but you cannot get any you can afford due to recent health issues you CANNOT simply change your medical information to show yourself healthy, get the insurance policy and then submit it to the bank, to get the mortgage. If the bank finds and Insurance company find out, it is STILL FRAUD, even if you made every payment, and the bank and insurance company both made money from you.

If you do not understand WHY that is still fraud to do, you are hopelessly stupid. Beyond reason.

So when Trump pays Cushman Wakefield to value 7 Springs for him, and they say '~$30MM' and Trump then walks across to the bank saying it is worth >$300M, and he lies saying it already has 7 mansions fully built and paid for, sitting on the land, when he has not even applied for and got a permit to build yet, and does not know if they will be approved, THAT IS FRAUD, even if he makes all monthly payments on the loan he got versus that property.

Again, if you read that and say 'he made the payments... no fraud' you are the reason for my signature.

Give us the name of the New York residents that were directly affected by trumps borrowing money and delaying it in full as.indicsted in the law you provided.
Give us the name of the New York residents that were directly affected by trumps borrowing money and delaying it in full as.indicsted in the law you provided.

The law i provided DOES NOT require that you simple minded dolt. AGAIN, here it is summarized for the reading impaired...

Trump Keeps Attacking This Statute In N.Y. Fraud Case—Here’s Why His Claims Lack Merit

James sued Trump, his business associates—including his sons—and the Trump Organization for alleged fraud under New York Executive Law 63(12), which empowers the attorney general to go to court against anyone who “engage in repeated fraudulent or illegal acts or otherwise demonstrate persistent fraud or illegality in the carrying on, conducting or transaction of business.”

The statute allows the attorney general to ask a state judge to stop the business from continuing its activities and fraudulent acts, force the defendants to pay damages or other restitution and, if necessary, order business certificates to be canceled.

Judge Arthur Engoron has already found Trump and his company violated 63(12) by fraudulently misstating the value of their assets on financial documents...


The statute does not require intent to commit fraud or anyone to be harmed by the fraud,...

The law is specific designed to protect the State industries from being destabilized and harmed by fraud which harms ALL the state citizens.
Give us the name of the New York residents that were directly affected by trumps borrowing money and delaying it in full as.indicsted in the law you provided.

Answer me this. Do you think doing the below should be perfectly legal for anyone to do, as long as the person makes all the reduced premium payments?

If for instance your mortgage provider demands you get Life Insurance to get a mortgage but you cannot get any you can afford due to recent health issues you CANNOT simply change your medical information to show yourself healthy, get the insurance policy and then submit it to the bank, to get the mortgage. If the bank finds and Insurance company find out, it is STILL FRAUD, even if you made every payment, and the bank and insurance company both made money from you.

If you do not understand WHY that is still fraud to do, you are hopelessly stupid. Beyond reason.

You cannot keep saying 'but they made their monthly payments' as the defense.
The law i provided DOES NOT require that you simple minded dolt. AGAIN, here it is summarized for the reading impaired...

The law is specific designed to protect the State industries from being destabilized and harmed by fraud which harms ALL the state citizens.

Sure it does. I showed it to you scrotum mouth
Answer me this. Do you think doing the below should be perfectly legal for anyone to do, as long as the person makes all the reduced premium payments?

No one is required to have life insurance to get a mortgage, home insurance yes but not life insurance. If i want a mortgage on a house the bank sends an appraiser to determine if the house is worth at least what I am asking to borrow. If they fail to do so and give me the mortgage no one else in the city town state or country I live in is affected.

Look the fat cow DA Williams ran on a platform of "get trump". The case went to a judge with a hard on for trump. Mission accomplished. It will likely be overturned or dramatically reduced on appeal. What these ass wipes did was despicable
Trump Action Figures. Trump as Captain America. Superman Trump. Angel of Death Trump. Batman/Trump. Trump as Jesus. Trump in Yankees Uniform.

They may not be able to pay the rent, but they WILL buy these.
Who is he supposed to pay this to? Who lost $439 million because of Trump's loans? The banks testified Trump paid them back. New York state wasn't harmed. So who does that money go to?
Who is harmed by smoking pot, prostitution or gambling? It's against the law. If convicted of these crimes they will have to pay fines and/or serve time. Who was harmed? Who do they pay the fines to?
Who is harmed by smoking pot, prostitution or gambling? It's against the law. If convicted of these crimes they will have to pay fines and/or serve time. Who was harmed? Who do they pay the fines to?

If you drive stoned, it's no different than alcohol. If you are impaired at work because you use pot, and get injured or do shitty work as a result, that impacts the employer...

Prostitution has been shown detrimental both to the women involved as well as to the Johns. There's plenty of reason to heavily regulate or restrict it.

Gambling is the same way. It can be and often is addicting. That's a problem. Gamblers who have family can harm their family, as but one example.
If you drive stoned, it's no different than alcohol. If you are impaired at work because you use pot, and get injured or do shitty work as a result, that impacts the employer...

Prostitution has been shown detrimental both to the women involved as well as to the Johns. There's plenty of reason to heavily regulate or restrict it.

Gambling is the same way. It can be and often is addicting. That's a problem. Gamblers who have family can harm their family, as but one example.
Driving stoned or drunk is a crime, but being drunk in one's own home is not. Same for pot. The fact you have to reach for it says a lot, Terry. LOL

Interesting to see an Alt-Rightie support regulation. Agreed. Like drugs, legalize and regulate prostitution because it's not harming anyone.

You're reaching again, Terry. You want to ban gambling because a few idiots are weak? How many states have the Lotto now? Is anyone limiting how much money people can spend on Lotto tickets? Yet you having a private poker game is illegal in many places. Who are you hurting?

Still, thanks for explaining why people who break laws should be convicted of those crimes like Trump and Sons did with their fraud schemes.
Sure it does. I showed it to you scrotum mouth
It does NOT. You simply prove my signature correct by not being able to read and comprehend the law.

No one is required to have life insurance to get a mortgage, home insurance yes but not life insurance. If i want a mortgage on a house the bank sends an appraiser to determine if the house is worth at least what I am asking to borrow. If they fail to do so and give me the mortgage no one else in the city town state or country I live in is affected.
ok let me simplify.

When i had my business, any time i went to restructure my loan packages, they would require me get and submit a full physical package to them, as the lenders.

If i did that, and got very poor health results back, but i instead submitted forms i changed showing i got a clean bill of health, and then i got the loans and made all payments, do you consider that fraud even if i made all payments to the lenders for the loans i got?

Do you think if the bank found out and reported it the police who found out, i had done this same thing over and over with various Institutions and they decided to charge me, that an absolute defense is simply to say 'I never missed a payment'?
Driving stoned or drunk is a crime, but being drunk in one's own home is not. Same for pot. The fact you have to reach for it says a lot, Terry. LOL

Interesting to see an Alt-Rightie support regulation. Agreed. Like drugs, legalize and regulate prostitution because it's not harming anyone.

You're reaching again, Terry. You want to ban gambling because a few idiots are weak? How many states have the Lotto now? Is anyone limiting how much money people can spend on Lotto tickets? Yet you having a private poker game is illegal in many places. Who are you hurting?

Still, thanks for explaining why people who break laws should be convicted of those crimes like Trump and Sons did with their fraud schemes.

Trump broke no laws or, if he did, then every developer in the state of New York is now potentially libel for not listing real estate assets and such on loan forms with banks to the satisfaction of state prosecutors and judges. That is, any real estate developer in New York could be sued, as Trump was, by the state because the state disagrees with their assessment of their properties even when the bank agreed to terms and was paid back in full.

Essentially, for anyone who develops real estate, New York is now a potential minefield that could destroy them at any time on the whim of a state or local prosecutor who doesn't like them. Any sane real estate developer would be sensible to flee the state taking all their assets with them, and selling off any they can't.
Trump broke no laws or, if he did, then every developer in the state of New York is now potentially libel for not listing real estate assets and such on loan forms with banks to the satisfaction of state prosecutors and judges. That is, any real estate developer in New York could be sued, as Trump was, by the state because the state disagrees with their assessment of their properties even when the bank agreed to terms and was paid back in full.

Essentially, for anyone who develops real estate, New York is now a potential minefield that could destroy them at any time on the whim of a state or local prosecutor who doesn't like them. Any sane real estate developer would be sensible to flee the state taking all their assets with them, and selling off any they can't.

Ao you claim every developer cheated like trump. That is a wild-ass claim. What you also have to consider is sometimes they make mistakes. Trump made them decade after decade with huge multiples of misstated values. It s about degree. Trump loed at an incredible rate and always in his favor.
Trump broke no laws or, if he did, then every developer in the state of New York is now potentially libel for not listing real estate assets and such on loan forms with banks to the satisfaction of state prosecutors and judges. That is, any real estate developer in New York could be sued, as Trump was, by the state because the state disagrees with their assessment of their properties even when the bank agreed to terms and was paid back in full.

Essentially, for anyone who develops real estate, New York is now a potential minefield that could destroy them at any time on the whim of a state or local prosecutor who doesn't like them. Any sane real estate developer would be sensible to flee the state taking all their assets with them, and selling off any they can't.
The courts say you're wrong, Terry.

I have no doubt that Trump could rape a little girl in live TV then shoot her in the back of the head and there will be MAGAts saying "the little bitch deserved it".